Ceftiofur Na in Adult Horses

Adult | Neonatal

Choose route: IV | IV CRI | IM

Intravenous (IV)

horse - ceftiofur na - iv

Reference(s) for this graph: Collard 2011Pille 2005Cox 2017Mills 2000 – See the reference page for full citation

Intravenous Regional Limb Perfusion (IV CRI)

horse - ceftiofur na - iv cri

Reference(s) for this graph: Edwards 2016 – See the reference page for full citation

Intramuscular (IM)

horse - ceftiofur na - im

Reference(s) for this graph: Cervantes 1993Guglick 1998Jaglan 1994 – See the reference page for full citation

CLSI Breakpoint Information