Starting Sophomore Year

Angelica F.Howdy! My name is Angelica, and I am an undergraduate biomedical sciences major from Sherman, Texas, but most importantly, I am the loudest and the proudest member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2020!! A-A-A-A-A!!! I am very excited to start my second year as a BIMS major, and with that degree, I aspire to become a small-animal veterinarian.

I have dreamed of becoming a veterinarian since I was in the third grade and have dreamed of attending Texas A&M since fifth grade. Being here at A&M is a dream come true, and I wouldn’t trade anything in the world to leave this campus. I am here because of my Terry scholarship, which is a full-ride scholarship to Texas A&M provided by the Terry Foundation, and I am blessed to be a 2016 Terry Scholar.

Here at A&M, I am quite involved with campus events and organizations. Geared toward a professional field, I am in the Pre-Vet Society as an active, distinguished member. Through it, I am given the opportunity to volunteer with animals and wildlife of all kind. I am in MSC Hospitality as a tour guide to give campus, MSC, and Bonfire tours. As a fun organization choice, I am actively a part of Patriot Paws Service Dogs as a puppy raiser. I currently am raising a 2-year-old Labrador named Pokey (who will eventually act as a service dog for a disabled veteran) and have worked in the past with two other dogs and dog sat for at least five dogs. Can you tell I like animals? Lastly, not only am I a Terry scholar but I participate and am a mentor for its corresponding program, ASPIRE (Aggie Scholars Promoting Incentive, Resources, and Encouragement), where I mentor incoming freshmen scholars in the Terry or Haynes Scholarship program. In the spring, I joined the CVM Ambassador program and worked over the summer giving tours of the Veterinary Biomedical Education Complex (VBEC) and helping in other ways.

Despite the heavy involvement, I am always making time to study and relax at the house with my roommates and their pets, an 8-month-old Great Pyrenees named Toph and a 6-year-old cat named Moo. As an undergraduate, I often have a lot more time on my hands than I know what to do with, so as a word of advice, I would tell all students to prioritize your needs over wants when it comes to academics and organizations.

Overall, I look forward to this year’s challenges and strive to work for that Aggie ring and degree!
