The Greatest Aggie Symbol
As I am coming to the end of my junior year here at Texas A&M, I am looking forward to one time-honored tradition—getting my Aggie ring!
Over winter break, I got the email I had been waiting for notifying me to check to see if I was eligible to order my ring. Of course, I already knew that after the fall semester ended that I had taken more than 90 hours of classes, which meant I did meet the requirement.
So, I set up an appointment to go in person to get sized and, of course, to take my picture in front of the ring statue with the chalkboard sign—another Aggie tradition!
It was a surreal moment that the day had already arrived and it made me realize how fast my time at Texas A&M has gone by.
Now I am in a suspenseful wait, anticipating the day in April that I will get to receive the ring!
I am excited that my family is coming on Ring Day to help me celebrate my big achievement with me.
The ring itself holds a lot of symbolism.
Every element on the ring has a meaning and even the direction you wear the ring does, too—when you receive your ring, you wear it with the class year facing you to symbolize that your time at Texas A&M is not yet finished; during graduation, a ceremony is led in which you turn the ring around, signifying that you are going out into the world as an Aggie.
The Aggie ring is a great way to recognize fellow Aggies anywhere in the world. When a fellow ambassador and I went abroad last summer, we were recognized as Aggies at an airport in London because of her ring!
The Aggie ring is such an amazing way to unite fellow Aggies and the tradition is one of my favorite at Texas A&M!