VET Team Responds in Times of Disaster The Veterinary Emergency Team (VET) at the CVM is trained to efficiently respond to the needs of animals in disasters. Members of the VET were deployed to Brazoria County in southeastern Texas in early June and treated animals affected by the flooding. | | | An Ode to the Future—Dr. Stephen Safe Dr. Stephen Safe, distinguished professor in the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, received an honorary degree from Queen’s University and eschewed a traditional convocation speech. Instead, he delivered a poem that called on the graduating class to face the difficulties that lie ahead. | | UC Davis Honors Logan with 2016 Alumni Achievement Award Dr. Linda Logan, professor in the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology and director of International Programs at the CVM, was recently honored by the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine for her outstanding leadership and contributions to the global community. | | | | | Veterinary Educator Collaborative Meeting A group of educators from the CVM attended the Veterinary Educator Collaborative meeting in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The meeting took place at the University of Calgary June 20-21. The CVM was well represented with 13 faculty members present. | | Researchers Examine How Video Games Can Improve Bird Health Playing video games has been a favorite pastime of young and old alike, and now the CVM is investigating the benefits of video games on an unconventional gamer—birds. | | | | | New Program Manager, Maria Macik Maria Macik, the newest member of the Professional Programs Office, will be taking on the role of Program Manager. Maria has a strong passion for education and expertise in various areas, such as faculty development, student learning, reflection, and curriculum redesign. | |  U.S. Army Veterinary Corps Celebrates 100th Anniversary with the CVM On June 3, 2016, the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps celebrated its 100th anniversary with multiple activities that took place in San Antonio, Texas, the home of Army Medicine. The highlights of the event included an anniversary banquet on June 2 and the unveiling of the Veterinary Corps sculpture at Fort Sam Houston took place on June 3. | | | | | PEER Veterinary Students Educate K-12 Students During Summer 2016 The CVM PEER program at Texas A&M University provides veterinary students with the opportunity to share their knowledge about One Health and veterinary medicine with K-12 students and teachers throughout Texas. PEER Veterinary Student Fellows have presented to over 1500 students at schools, camps, libraries, and museums this summer. Students have ranged from pre-kindergarteners to undergraduate students. | | New Leadership for AAVMC Leadership Academy Dr. Karen Cornell from the CVM and Dr. Darcy Shaw from the Atlantic Veterinary College in Prince Edward Island, Canada, were chosen to head up the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges’ Leadership Academy. | | | | | One Health and CVM Represented at Veterinary Biologics Course Dr. Rosina ‘Tammi” Krecek and Dr. Angela Arenas participated in the Veterinary Biologics Training Program in Ames, Iowa from May 16-20, 2016. This annual training is organized by the Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics (IICAB), Iowa State University, and the United States Department of Agriculture Center for Veterinary Biologics. | | Green Speaks to Texas Cattle Feeders Association Board of Directors On June 24, Dr. Eleanor M. Green, the Carl B. King dean of veterinary medicine, spoke to the Texas Cattle Feeders Association Board of Directors about the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Center at their summer board meeting at the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort in New Mexico. | | | | | Follow the Progess of the VBEC Online You can view the latest state of the new Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex (VBEC) online. The webpage allows for a time-lapse video of construction. | | |
CVM Commencement for Graduates and Undergraduates August 12 Canine Conference August 26-28, 2016 Reunion: Class of '76 October 1 Emergency & Critical Care Conference October 22-23, 2016 Cargill Equine Nutrition November 5, 2016 VBEC Grand Opening November 11 Centennial Fundraiser December, 2016 Anesthesia & Analgesia Conference Dec. 9-11, 2016  Graduate students Elena Gart, Laura Bryan, Sara V. Little, and Associate Professor Dr. Sara Lawhon were awarded third-place submission in the American Society of Microbiology’s Agar Art 2016 contest. Their art piece, named “Twelve Years of Yuck,” featured a 12-year calendar that represented microbial outbreaks, such as Salmonella and E. coli, in humans. Dr. Heewon Seo, a postdoctoral fellow was selected to receive a 2016 USDA–NIFA–AFRI Merit Award and was selected as a finalist for this year's competition for Trainee Research Award—Platform Presentation. Seo will give his presentation and attend an awards ceremony in San Diego in July. Dr. John Stallone, professor in the veterinary physiology and pharmacology department (VTPP), developed a podcast for the American Journal of Physiology. The podcast highlighted a paper published in the May 2015 issue that reported on work VTPP graduate student Rachel Deer and Stallone wrote on aging, estrogen, and cerebrovascular function.  | |