Scott Dindot's drug is being tested as an Angelman Syndrome treatment.
Scott Dindot's drug is being tested as an Angelman Syndrome treatment.


Dean's corner header
Scott Dindot
CVM Angelman Syndrome Drug Research Enters Study Phase
During the investigational-new-drug-enabling study phase, researchers will test the effectiveness and safety of associate professor Scott Dindot's antisense drug, which is believed to treat the rare genetic disorder.
Pet Talk: Advice for When You Lose Your Furry Friend
CVM lecturer Dr. Sarah Griffin offers ways to cope and other considerations when helping friends or family members deal with the death of a beloved pet.
VMTH Saves Dog Bitten By Coral Snake
Renee and Angela Nino's 1-year-old French bulldog, Coco Chanel, was saved by her playmate, her parents, and the doctors in the Emergency and Critical Care service.
Medical Sciences Library Hosts Reception for CVM
The Feb. 20 reception showcased the MSL's recent renovations and its ongoing collaboration with CVM, while treating guests to glimpses of the special collections.
VET Exhibits Banfield-Donated Vehicle at VMX
Five members of Texas A&M's Veterinary Emergency Team traveled to Orlando to show off their new medical platform and talk with conference attendees.
Connell Gives Update
on Teaching Hospital
for College Hour

Bo Connell shared some of the unique challenges faced by the VMTH and some of the ways the hospital is embracing improvement and innovation on Feb. 23.
PEER Continues Educational Webcasts
Presentations, filmed in partnership with KAMU, feature professors, scientists, veterinary technicians, and clinicians on veterinary- and STEM-related topics.
CVM to Expand Biomedical Sciences Program to McAllen The BIMS degree will be offered beginning fall 2018 in the soon-to-be-completed Higher Education Center in the Tres Lagos master-planned community.
Students to Host 25th Annual Open House
From a petting zoo to tours, and teddy bear surgery to the Exotics Room, the March 24 event will highlight all of the opportunities for a veterinary student at Texas A&M.
Welsh Educators Take Technology Tour at CVM
A team from Swansea University in Wales visited Texas A&M to learn about the CVM's approaches to education and the college's use of the VBEC's technology.
CVM Faculty Share Expertise at VMX
Among the Texas A&M professors and clinicians who spoke at the NAVC's inaugural Veterinary Meeting and Expo were Adam Little and Audrey Cook.
3VMs Raise Money
for Cahoon Scholarship During 2018 Fur Ball

The class of 2019 hosted the Fur Ball on Saturday, Feb. 10, during which all four classes of veterinary students mingled, socialized, and danced in Bryan's Astin Mansion.
Registration Still
Open for Second VIS

Texas A&M ill celebrate, explore, and enhance the veterinary impact on the world during the Veterinary Innovation Summit (VIS) on April 6-8 in the VBEC.
Eli's Fund Dog Walk
San Antonio, Texas
March 24, 2018

Veterinary Innovation Summit
Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex (VBEC)
April 6-8, 2018
CVM Honors & Awards Ceremony
April 13, 2018
VBEC Wellness Room
Grand Opening

April 13, 2018
CVM White Coat Ceremony
April 13, 2018

CVM Outstanding Alumni Dinner
April 27, 2018
DVM Commencement
May 9, 2018
CVM Picnic
May 18, 2018

image 1 Mar 2018
Anthrex Conference
April 7-8, 2018
Banfield Dentistry Wetlab
May 5, 2018
Food Animal Conference
June 8-9, 2018
Feline Forum
28-29, 2018
Canine Conference
24-26, 2018
Emergency and Critical Care Conference
October 20-
21, 2018
Internal Medicine - Thailand
October 29-November 2, 2018
image 2 Mar 2018
Congratulations to William Klemm, a senior professor of neuroscience in the CVM's Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences (VIBS), for being honored with the Marquis Who's Who Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. The recognition is reserved for Marquis biographees who have achieved career longevity and demonstrated unwavering excellence in their chosen fields.

image 3 Mar 2018