The cost of such advancements are extremely great, especially when special housing would have to be built and service contracts on such sophisticated medical devices are extremely high.
The faculty of the Large Animal Teaching Hospital has observed that veterinary teaching hospitals are moving to digital and computed forms of imaging, rather than traditional X-ray film imaging. They strongly believe that these newer methods will improve clinical service, facilitate clinical education, and will allow for more improved research-oriented imaging while promoting Texas A&M’s program to state-of-the-art.
The diagnostic X-ray machine itself revolutionized medical practice, but computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, computerized radiography, digital fluoroscopy, and digital radiography ushered medical imaging into the so-called space age. All of these will vastly improve opportunities for diagnostics, teaching, treatment, storage of and access to information, and research grants for our faculty. The Imaging Center will have the capacity for large animal access and will be available to small animal patients as well.
This is a very high priority for the school. If you would like to give to this important initiative, please contact us for more information.