CVM Thanks TVMA Members Helping With MMI Interviews

I want to sincerely thank the 49 veterinarians from across the state who helped the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVMBS) interview student candidates for the DVM program on Jan. 5-6. This year, 256 students were interviewed using the multiple mini-interview (MMI) process. This is the eighth year that we have performed multiple mini-interviews, and it is clear that we could not have accomplished this important event without the tremendous help and dedication of our colleagues.
Listed below are the names of each veterinarian that interviewed students. I also want to say a very special thank you to Dr. Terry Wunderlich, the TVMA liaison to the selections committee. He is an invaluable part of our committee, and we are very grateful for his time, energy, and expertise.
- Ruth Ainsworth
- Logan Beene
- Dawn Blackmar
- Vick Burk
- Wade Burton
- Nancy Carter
- Dennis Clark
- Donald Cleary
- Wil Cole
- Charles Collins
- David Curbo
- Cullen Dauchy
- Sarah Dewhirst
- Daniel Eckman
- Mary Egan
- Joe Flanagan
- Karen Fling
- Josie Flowers
- Don Grubbs
- Susan Heath
- Susan Hopper
- Pancho Hubert
- Howard Johnson
- Danny Kainer
- Ricci Karkula
- Kelley Kays
- Sherry Kiker-Henderson
- Eric Kneese
- Sherry Knopp
- Ted Koy
- Jody Long
- Anmarie Macfarland
- Jack McKemie
- Stephen Pettenger
- Carole Price
- Jacquelyn Rich
- Matt Schuessler
- Lori Seelhoff
- Karen Stone
- Ron Stried
- Amy Swinford
- Cammie Teliha
- Celeste Treadway
- Tim Turner
- Gary Warner
- McKinlea Wells
- Katherine Wheeler
- Terry Wunderlich
- Cheryl York
Thank you for your commitment to our profession and our college!
Karen K. Cornell, DVM, PhD, DACVS
Associate Dean for Professional Programs Earline and A.P. Wiley Endowed Chair
College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Texas A&M University