CVM Welcomes Prospective DVMs During MMI Interviews

Prospective veterinary students from all over the country visited the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) on Jan. 5-6 to interview for coveted spots in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2022.
The multiple mini interviews (MMI) are one component among the selection criteria for admission to the CVM’s veterinary medicine program. They comprise an hour-long circuit that applicants complete in the Communications Suites in the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex’s (VBEC) VICI Building, during which, the prospective student interviews in six- to 10-minute increments with a series of CVM professors and veterinary practitioners, many of whom are Texas A&M alumni, over the course of an hour.
“The multiple mini interviews allow us to learn more about our applicants’ abilities to communicate, problem solve, and think critically about situations or scenarios that are real to life,” said Karen Cornell, CVM associate dean for professional programs. “Having all of the candidates visit our facility also gives us the opportunity to showcase our program and the fantastic people—the students, staff, and faculty who make the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences a great place to pursue a DVM degree.”
During the two-day activity, the approximately 250 eager candidates also toured the facilities with the CVM Ambassadors, attended a one-hour orientation before the interviews begin, and attended an evening barbeque hosted by the Texas Veterinary Medical Association (TVMA), during which they could talk with current students.
Following the MMIs, the candidates are evaluated by the CVM selections committee members on the applicant’s extracurricular activities, leadership experience, personal statement, and letters of evaluation. Approximately 150 will be admitted into the DVM Class of 2022.
For more information, visit the CVM admissions page at