CVM Welcomes New Executive Director of IT

The Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) has welcomed Kris Guye as the new executive director of Information Technology and assistant chief information officer (CIO) for the college.

In this position, Guye will provide IT leadership for the CVM and work with the campus-wide Division of Information Technology to discover, develop, and implement innovative technology solutions for the CVM and the university as a whole.

“One of the things that excited me about this job was fulfilling the dean’s vision of bringing together and better aligning the IT strategy with of the missions of the college and university,” Guye said.

“Everyone I’ve had conversations with has had the same philosophical viewpoint—we’re all really busy, we’ve got jobs to do, and we want to be the best at what we do,” Guye said. “Everyone has the same goal, and that’s just to be the best and support the mission of the college.”

By working directly with the Texas A&M Division of Information Technology, Guye will help improve communication between central IT and the CVM and work with other assistant CIOs on campus to promote the needs of the individual colleges.

Guye said he is looking forward to seeing how all of the different IT groups at Texas A&M pull together and begin working together more cohesively, as well as how those relationships will benefit the university.

“I’ve worked in central IT and understand their perspective, but there is often difficulty in communicating out to the decentralized organizations, particularly in large universities,” Guye said. “I will help bridge the gaps to create better communication and real partnerships that will benefit the college.”

“I’ve learned over my 20-year career to not force anything,” Guye said. “I really plan on taking my time and making sure that any changes we make are well thought-out and the best for the college as a whole.”

The CVM and the College of Architecture are the first participants in a new collaborative Assistant Chief Information Officer (ACIO) program for Texas A&M University, which was created by the Division of Information Technology to better align IT with academic, research, and student success initiatives across campus.

As the CVM’s executive director of IT and assistant CIO, Guye will directly report to both Dr. Eleanor M. Green, the Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine, and Dee Childs, the vice president for IT and CIO at Texas A&M.

“Texas A&M’s sheer size and complexity means we cannot create innovative solutions in isolation,” Childs said. “A more focused, collaborative approach will result in greater responsiveness to common IT challenges and will encourage synergistic innovations that benefit everyone, while respecting discipline-specific uniqueness.”

The ACIO program will provide new levels of collaboration that will benefit the entire university, according to Green.

“The College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences will have direct access to the division’s cybersecurity expertise and resources, as well as 24-hour, readily available support,” Green said. “The essential nature of IT in the daily lives of all CVM faculty, staff, and students led to the creation of this new position in collaboration with campus IT.”

Guye joins the CVM from the University of Texas System, where he served as director of client services for the Office of Shared Information Services. He has two daughters who are freshmen at Texas A&M and a son attending Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi at the RELLIS Campus


For more information about the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, please visit our website at or join us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Contact Information: Jennifer Gauntt, Interim Director of CVM Communications, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Science;; 979-862-4216

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