Texas A&M Veterinary Specialists Help Pug Overcome Multiple Health Conditions

Unlike her high-energy, attention-seeking siblings Canela and Choclo, Chispa the pug is lovingly described by her owner Peter Schulte as more of a “potato kind of dog.” “She just lies around,” said Schulte, who lives in downtown Houston with his partner Ramiro Flores and their three pugs. “She likes lying outside in the sun or, […]

Texas A&M Veterinarians Create New Strategies For Treating Ear Issues In Kangaroos

Diego the red kangaroo has an important job at the Texas A&M Winnie Carter Wildlife Center. In addition to teaching veterinary students about kangaroo care and medicine, he serves as a “seeing eye” kangaroo for his blind “roo mate,” Murdock. When Diego’s caretakers at the wildlife center noticed that he seemed to be experiencing discomfort […]

Waylon’s Hero: Itching To Make A Difference

    When Jill Lee noticed that her Labrador Retriever, Waylon, couldn’t walk and was heavily panting, she immediately knew that something was wrong. After further examination, she discovered that Waylon’s paws and nose were covered in painful scabs and pimples. “His paws were so itchy that Waylon was literally chewing his paw pads off,” […]

Veterinary dermatologists help pets look and feel their best

In addition to the burden of fleas and ticks, pets can experience skin health issues, such as dry skin or allergic reactions. Fortunately, the veterinary dermatology service at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) can help. Most dermatology cases at the CVM involve health issues with fleas and ticks, skin […]

Common Canine Skin Conditions

Familiarizing yourself with common canine skin irritations and conditions is important to your pet’s health. Certain skin problems could be sign of a more serious underlying issue, such as physical pain, discomfort, or infection. “There are many different types of skin conditions in dogs. As we try to figure out what type of condition may […]


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