The Joys and Challenges of Adopting an Animal

Adopting a pet from a shelter is a great way to find a new best friend. But it’s also a great way to make a huge difference for an animal, and potentially even save its life. Sadly, many of the animals that end up in shelters come from bad situations. Adopting a mistreated animal can […]

What to Know Before Bringing Home a Puppy

For National Puppy Day on March 23, dog lovers may be considering adding a new puppy to the family. Before you bring home a new companion, make sure you are prepared for everything that comes with owning a puppy. Dr. Lori Teller, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & […]

National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week

Bringing home a new furry friend can be an exciting experience for everyone involved. When that furry friend has just been adopted from an animal shelter, the experience can be not only exciting, but rewarding, as well. This National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week, Kailey Kestner, a third-year veterinary student at the Texas A&M College of […]

April 30 is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

In honor of National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day on April 30, Helena Wayt, a veterinary student at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained some of the major reasons to adopt a pet from a shelter. For one, Wayt said, you are saving a life and giving an animal a […]

Before adopting a pet rabbit, make sure you are committed

If you’re looking for a new furry friend this spring, then a pet rabbit may be for you. However, Selena Zalesak, a veterinary student at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says before making that commitment, it is best to do your research. “Rabbit purchases are very popular around Easter,” Zalesak […]

Adopting adult pets

When considering getting a new pet, we often think of adopting a puppy or kitten. However, adult pets are just as loveable and can sometimes even be a better fit. Dr. Christine Rutter, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained the advantages of adopting an adult pet. […]

Adopting an Older Pet

There’s no mistaking it, baby pets are adorable and many grow up to become magnificent companions. Unfortunately pet owners often forget the trouble involved with raising a pet from infancy, and overlook the countless mature dogs awaiting adoption from shelters and rescue organizations. “Consider adopting an older pet if you want to skip the house-training […]

Adopting a Pet

His pudgy nose, tiny paws and sloppy, wet kisses melted your heart in an instant. But after giving in to desire and surprising the family with a new furry friend, you found that caring for a new puppy was not exactly what you expected. Adopting a pet can be rewarding, but certain steps must be […]


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