Student Information

ExamSoft Student Best Practices

Before the Exam

  • Make sure your device and operating system are compatible with the current version of Examplify.
  • Take a trial exam using Examplify.
  • Download the exam at least one day prior to the exam.
  • Make sure your device is adequately charged.
  • IPad Users: make sure your device has at least 500 MB of free space.
  • For additional information, see Getting Started with Examplify.
  • For assistance with troubleshooting visit Exam-Taker Help.

During the Exam

  • Exam takers can highlight text. Some students have found highlighting helpful in their thought processes during exams.
  • You can include/exclude question distractors (choices on multiple-choice) to include or exclude them in your thought process.
    • This is helpful when using a process of elimination to answer a question.
    • To do this, tap the “X’ to the right of the distractor.
  • You can zoom, pan, resize, move, close, and reopen images. They will not disappear permanently if you close them.
  • You can navigate using the next and previous buttons, but you can also navigate using the navigation sidebar.
  • Upload the exam before you exit the exam room.
    • Don’t be concerned if you can’t upload it immediately. It may take a little while for your computer/iPad to reconnect to the network, especially when many people are trying to do so at once.
    • Contact an administrator if you need assistance.

Trial Exam

Mac or PC

Downloading the trial exam

  1. Open Examplify using the icon on your desktop.
  2. Select “Download Exam Files”.
  3. Login with your Institution ID, Student ID, and password.
  4. Select the Trial Exam from the list of available exams, then hit the “Download” button.

Taking the trial exam

  1. Enter the Exam Password: T3stDVM
  2. Read any notices that display, then select “Next”.
  3. Enter the code displayed, then select the “Start Exam” button.
  4. Respond to the first question.
  5. Explore the tools and options within Examplify (navigation, filtering, alarms, highlighting, eliminating distractors, viewing attachments, etc.)
  6. Respond to all remaining questions so that you are familiar with the question and answer formats (e.g., T/F, multiple choice, essay, etc.).
  7. When complete, select the option to “Submit Exam” under the Exam Controls drop-down.
  8. Confirm by checking the box, then choosing the “Exit” button.
  9. When you see the “Congratulations!” screen, select the “Close Exam” button.

Uploading the trial exam

  1. The upload should begin automatically.
  2. Once uploaded, the green “Congratulations” screen should display. During semester exams, you will need to show this screen to one of the proctors.
  3. If you receive a yellow screen, your exam has not successfully uploaded. Follow the on-screen directions to adjust your computer settings, then select “Retry”.
  4. Once you have confirmed that your exam has been uploaded, select “Close Exam”.