CVM Staff Awards

The CVM Staff Awards took place Tuesday, August 16. The awards program began at 7:30 a.m. with breakfast and musical entertainment by Dr. Johnathon Dodd. Greetings and opening remarks by Dr. Kenita Rogers, executive associate dean, began at 8 a.m. Staff awards included the W. Terry Stiles Service Award and the Pearl Enfield Staff Leadership Award. The closing remarks were made by Dr. Eleanor Green, the Carl B. King dean of veterinary medicine.

Award recipients included: Kord Kothman, Stephanie Wertman, Courtney Brake, Robin Williams-Callahan, Richard Colson, Dianne Cornett, Noell Vance, Caleb Coursey, Elaine Lippard, Jaci Christensen, Vicki Weir, and Kate Nelson.

Many staff members were also received longevity awards for their service to the CVM.

View photos from the event onĀ Flickr.

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