Pet Talk

Conquering Cushing’s: Life After Diagnosis

Discovering that your dog or cat has Cushing’s syndrome can be both discouraging and overwhelming, but it also marks the beginning of their journey toward better health and an improved quality of life. This condition, resulting from excessive production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can stem from either a pituitary gland tumor […]

Unmasking Cushing’s: Understanding The Condition And Its Diagnosis

Cushing’s syndrome, or hypercortisolism, is a condition caused by overproduction of cortisol — a hormone that regulates stress, metabolism, and immune response. While cortisol is vital for normal body function, too much can lead to serious health issues. Two Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences clinicians — Dr. Andrew Bugbee, a clinical […]

Why Is My Horse Not Shedding Its Winter Coat? Understanding PPID In Horses

As the seasons change, so do horses’ coats to help them stay warm in winter and cool in summer. But, occasionally, horses can be late to shed their thick winter coats.  While this isn’t always a problem, it can be a symptom of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), also known as equine Cushing’s disease. Drs. […]

The Unseen Enemy: Understanding & Managing Tritrichomonas in Cats

Tritrichomonas foetus (Tritric) is a microscopic menace that can turn a household into a battleground of chronic illness. This protozoan parasite often leads to persistent, hard-to-treat diarrhea in cats — especially when litter boxes and living spaces aren’t carefully managed. While Tritric can infect dogs, it is far more common in cats — particularly young, […]

New Year, New Pet: The Joys And Challenges Of Puppy Ownership

Over the holidays, many people may have chosen to welcome a new puppy into their families. While those big eyes and wiggly tails may be irresistible, these families may quickly discover that their new addition can bring as much chaos as it does cuteness. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or regretful after welcoming a […]

Em-bark-ing On A Holiday Getaway: Tips For Traveling With Pets

Vacations often promise relaxation, but before reaching a state of tranquility is the chaos of traveling, especially during the holidays. For owners wanting to bring their furry best friend along with them to surprise the in-laws, there are several factors to be aware of when planning and packing for a big trip. Dr. Christine Rutter, […]

Should They Stay Or Should They Go? Things To Know Before Taking Pets On Holiday Trips

Walking into your room to find a curled-up dog or cat resting within your opened suitcase can be heart-wrenching, to say the least. With the winter chill sweeping in, a holiday trip may be on the horizon, leading owners to consider whether they should invite their furry friends to join in on the fun.  Dr. […]

Having A Paw-some Holiday: Keeping Pets Safe, Happy, and Included

The holiday season is a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration, but for pet owners, it also comes with unique challenges. Creating a safe, festive environment for pets while involving them in the holiday fun requires a bit of planning and care.  Dr. Lori Teller, a clinical professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary […]

What Kind Of Food Should You Feed Your Dog? A Nutritionist’s Advice

Have you ever wandered into the pet supplies section of the grocery store and felt overwhelmed by the number of dog food choices? To help unravel this common conundrum, Dr. Katie Tolbert, a board-certified veterinary nutritionist and associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, offers expert advice on what […]

Paws For A Cause: Understanding Mammary Cancer In Pets

As pet owners, we cherish every wag, purr, and playful leap from our furry companions, but our pets can face serious health challenges just like people, including mammary cancer, which closely mirrors breast cancer in humans. Dr. Emma Warry, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, discusses […]

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