New Report Highlights Research Breakthroughs at 11 Universities

Dr. Christopher Seabury represents Texas A&M
University at Congressional briefings
in Wasinghton, DC.

From Removing Peanut Allergens to Protecting Tomatoes with Caterpillar Saliva, Coalition’s Retaking the Field report sets the table for stronger support of food and agricultural science in 2018 Farm Bill.

WASHINGTON, DC (March 2, 2017)—Pointing to achievements that include a new process to remove allergens from peanuts, 11 research universities called for stronger federal support of the food and agricultural sciences. Their new report, “Retaking the Field —Strengthening the Science of Farm and Food Production,” explores research projects funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) at each institution.

“The drought in federal funding of food and agricultural research still exists,” said Thomas Grumbly, President of the Supporters of Agricultural Research (SoAR) Foundation. “But farmers need a flood of research breakthroughs, and AFRI’s limited budget only allows for a trickle.”

The new Retaking the Field report — the second in SoAR’s series — shows how scientists are solving some of the thorniest questions in food production despite the USDA’s limited research budget. Even as the research budget for all federal agencies has climbed, USDA’s share has nearly been cut in half.

Grumbly notes that AFRI’s funding levels illustrate this trend. The program, which was first established in the 2008 Farm Bill, currently receives only half of its authorized level of $700 million. As a result, the rate in which proposals for AFRI funding receive approval hovers just above 10 percent, far below the rates found in European countries and elsewhere.

“Researchers are solving some of the most important problems that farmers face,” added Grumbly, “from Bovine Respiratory Disease, which infects more than one out of every five beef cattle in feedlots, to rice and wheat rust, which keeps evolving to overcome scientists’ efforts to breed resistance. Too often, their success hinges on whether they secure enough funding to keep the lab doors open. Too much top quality, high-impact research is unfunded and left on the cutting room floor.”

The 11 groundbreaking research teams profiled in Retaking the Field include:

Cornell University—Susan McCouch, PhD, and colleagues cross-referenced genetic details with climate and harvest data over the past 40 years for every rice-growing region in the U.S. to help plant breeders develop new weather-specific varieties.

Iowa State University—Hongwei Xin, PhD, and colleagues developed adaptations for cage-free egg production systems that improve indoor-air quality and allow more farmers to respond to consumer demand by adapting cage-free systems.

Kansas State University—Barbara Valent, PhD, and colleagues examined the blast fungus, which has long afflicted rice crops and now infects wheat fields, to determine new ways that plants can resist the pathogen and overcome its ability to evolve.

Michigan State University—Gale Strasburg, PhD, and colleagues examined the impacts of heat stress on turkey muscle development. In developing methods to boost heat stress tolerance, the researchers help farmers produce better meat.

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University—Jianmei Yu, PhD, and colleagues devised a process that removes 98 percent of the major allergens in roasted peanuts using a naturally occurring enzyme, and then engineered the process to treat raw peanuts as well.

Ohio State University—Chang-Won Lee, PhD, and colleagues examined and catalogued the microbiome in a chicken’s respiratory tract, the first step in developing management systems that can lower the level of pathogens hurting production.

Pennsylvania State University—Gary Felton, PhD, and colleagues analyzed how the saliva of caterpillars and other insect excretions trigger the defenses of crop plants, providing a new path for plant breeders to explore as they develop more resistant cultivars.

Texas A&M University—James E. Womack, PhD, and colleagues found at least 150 regions of the cattle genome that could be associated with resistance as well as susceptibility to Bovine Respiratory Disease in beef and dairy cattle. Christopher Seabury, PhD, represented this team and the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences at Congressional briefings on the SoAR “Retaking the Field” report on Fri., Mar. 3, 2017 in Washington, DC.

University of Nebraska, Lincoln—Daniel C. Ciobanu, PhD, and colleagues identified genetic markers in sows associated with the earlier onset of puberty, allowing the pigs to produce more litters in their lifetime and increasing production efficiency.

Virginia Tech—John McDowell, PhD, and colleagues developed new tools for identifying and managing the oomycete pathogens that plague soybeans and other row crops. They also discovered a separate oomycete genus.

University of California, Davis—Jorge Dubcovsky, PhD, and colleagues have mapped out more than 90,000 genetic markers in wheat plants and identified the markers that are linked to further increases in productivity and resistance to dangerous pathogens.

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The SoAR Foundation leads a non-partisan coalition representing more than 6 million farming families, 100,000 scientists, hundreds of colleges and universities as well as consumers, veterinarians, and others. SoAR educates stakeholders about the importance of food and agricultural research to feed America and the world and advocates for full funding of USDA’s Agriculture Food and Research Initiative (AFRI). SoAR supports increased federal investments to encourage top scientists to create agricultural solutions that improve public health, strengthen national security, and enhance U.S. economic competitiveness.

For more information about SoAR, visit

Contact information for SoAR Dan Klotz, 301-280-5756 or

Download the Retaking the Field report can be downloaded at

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