Prestonwood Animal Clinic

Region 6 area of Texas

TVMA Member

Not Attending.

Practice Address:
13720 Schroeder Rd, Houston, Texas, 77070

Region #: 6

Multipractice Regional Locations:

Practice Setting: Suburban

Practice Type: Small animal exclusive

Practice Type Other:

Practice Description: Prestonwood Animal Clinic has been providing quality medical, surgical and diagnostic services to the NW Houston area for 30 years. Our practice is quick paced and very busy, but we keep a light hearted and fun environment. Check out our google ratings to see what our clients think.

Veterinary Team

Full-Time DVMs #: 4

Part-Time DVMs #: none

LVTs #: 4

Contact Name: Matthew Taylor

Contact Email:

Practice Phone: 2818901960



Opportunities Available

Interviewing for Associates? indicating yes

Externship Positions Available? indicating yes

Externship Housing Available? indicating yes

V1–V3 Student Summer Employment? indicating no