Another Semester Flying By
I can’t believe that there are two weeks left of the semester!! This semester has flown by. We are finishing up with the last round of tests in classes before finals, and these last few weeks will be busy with studying and other events. Finals can be pretty stressful only because you have multiple tests to study for in a short amount of time, but they shouldn’t be too bad. Two of my finals are for my lab classes, so I will take them a week before the lecture finals, and one of my classes I might not have to take the final. If we have an A after our next test, then we don’t have the final, and so far the class hasn’t been too bad. I only have three other finals, so it shouldn’t be too stressful this year.
Today is Muster, one of the most important traditions to me. Every year Aggies celebrate Muster on April 21st. It honors Aggies who have passed away in the past year and allows other Aggies to get together. Each year there is the 50th year class reunion, a cookout, and a ceremony for those who have died. Aggies all over the United States hold Muster, with the biggest one right here in College Station. I have been going to Muster since I was kid because of my Aggie family, but this year I am going for my Grandpa. He was one of the proudest Aggies I have ever known, and he always shared memories from when he was in Corps of Cadets. He passed away last summer, and since he was so fond of Texas A&M, this is the best way to remember him.
Also in one week it will be my birthday! My sisters will hopefully be coming up this weekend to visit me, and my mom will be coming up the following weekend. Hopefully we will be able to do something fun like ice skating, and I’ll get a break from studying. I’m looking forward to these next couple of weeks before finals; they should be fun!