Happy New Year

In the days after Christmas, I know that the best place to be is with loved ones. For my break, I went home for the holidays. As I write this, the world outside is covered in white. I absolutely love the snow, and I am so glad I’m able to spend the winter in a place where it does snow, as well as spending time with my family. I get to see my two dogs, my mom’s cat, and my grandmother’s cat, all of which I love and miss when I’m gone. The best gift I got for Christmas was going to the movies with my sister and brother to see Into the Woods (and if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it). My dad was able to take leave and come up from Honduras to be here for Christmas, and though he’s leaving tomorrow, it’s been great having him home for a time.

The New Year is here, but I’m not really the kind of person to make New Year’s resolutions. I am satisfied with my grades from this past semester and don’t need to make the basic “exercise more” resolution. I suppose my resolution is to keep up what I’m already doing. Resolutions are a wonderful thing in theory, but often fail in practice. I believe that no one needs a specific time to make a change in himself or herself. A huge resolution is a daunting thought at the beginning of a new year. At any time, we can take small steps to reach a group for oneself. If it’s losing weight, pick a better meal. If it’s exercise, just go for a run as long as you can. That’s how I started running. I could barely make it to the corner at first but soon was running three miles. And it wasn’t a resolution of mine, but after taking a mandatory kinesiology class and having to run for that, I simply decided to keep it up. Really, the only thing stopping you from starting on the route towards goals is yourself. But don’t ever be disappointed in yourself if you try your best but don’t exactly meet your goal. The important thing is to try. Being too hard on ourselves causes stress, which no college student needs any more of. I’ve only just recently gotten back into a more comfortable sleeping schedule after finals. I’ve certainly been grateful for this break. I’ve used the time to do some writing, spend lots of time with my family, and basically just goof off in general. The break was made better when I saw my grade and how well I did. It’s gratifying when the work pays off.

My family is looking forward to me staying here when my sister and brother are back in school. I’ll probably help chauffeur my siblings. My sister is already excited for me to help her with chemistry. They’re also jealous that I have a longer break then them. I’ll be heading back to Texas a few days before break is over, riding with my grandparents and my cat. I’m actually really excited about my classes next year and will also be taking my first online class.

Have a great New Year, everyone!
