It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Finals
Midterms have passed, and all seems well: grades are in check and preparations for registration for spring classes have already begun. As hectic as this semester has been, I do not want it to end. But, I cannot wait for the next one to start. Taking 17 credit hours has definitely taken its toll on me, but I’ve learned to balance it all and not lose my sanity. Halloween (my favorite holiday) has officially passed, and the weekend was great, including a great trip to Austin and attending a haunted house called the House of Torment with my friend.
Finals are now around the corner, but how can I worry when the Christmas spirit is already rolling in? Decorations are being put up, and the holiday music is playing. Even when exams are just a couple weeks away, how can I not be in a good mood? Now you can’t forget the eggnog—I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t bought some already.
With that I bid those who are reading adieu, and may you learn to appreciate the little things that come to you.