Test after Test
As my first round of tests ended, my second round of tests started the next week. If you’re lucky, your tests have been spaced out, with time to relax and gear up again. If you’re like me, however, you have tests every week with no time for relaxation.
Being a junior, I’ve learned how to handle this by now, but that doesn’t make it any more fun. Time management is the most important factor when dealing with a situation like this. Plan out a study schedule, and stick with it. I can’t tell you how much time I wasted studying as a freshman—and even as a sophomore—simply trying to figure out what I needed to study and in what order.
Being a double major in biomedical sciences and entomology can be very difficult at times, but Texas A&M University has amazing resources that should be taken advantage of. For example, at the Academic Success Center you can meet one on one with an academic coach and learn how to achieve your dream GPA. Whether you want to boost your grades or maintain your high grades, they are able to help.
I don’t think I could handle two majors without the systems Texas A&M provides for success or the methods I’ve learned to implement into my study plan. Maintaining your grades and handling tests week every week is definitely doable with the right plan and help from the right sources.