Continuing Hobbies in Veterinary School

By Gabriela H. ’27, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student

Many students believe that once they begin veterinary school, they will not have time for anything other than studying, especially time for extracurriculars. However, as a first-year veterinary student, I am proud to say that I continued my hobby of dancing.

Three young women in purple glittery Latin dance costumes under purple and yellow lights.

During my first semester of veterinary school, I learned that your studies can easily warp your priorities surrounding your physical health when you’re not paying attention. Yet, it is incredibly important to make sure that all aspects of your health are taken care of, including mental health, emotional health, and physical health.

Latin dance is something that I started as an undergraduate at Texas A&M by joining a student organization called the Salsa Fusion Latin Dance Company. I quickly fell in love with dance and, luckily, was able to stay on my dance team throughout this semester. Not only is it a great way to relieve the stress that studying can cause, but it also allows me to be mindful of my own wellness.

Although I was scared at the beginning of the semester that I wouldn’t have time for dance, I knew that it was something I needed to prioritize in my life. As I continued the semester, I realized that I made the right choice; my dance team was the physical and creative outlet I needed. I became mindful of other parts of my life and more disciplined in my studies. In turn, I was able to enjoy my first semester of veterinary school so much more!

About 30 college students posing for a group photo at a dance competition in green (back and front row) and red (middle row) costumes.

When you’re in veterinary school, it’s important to prioritize what is important to you. Vet school will take up some of your time, but you have enough to invest in yourself! When you take time for yourself, everything becomes easier to manage — including school. My advice for future veterinary students is to try to aim for a balanced lifestyle of both education and wellness. These habits will only benefit you once you begin and continue your veterinary career!
