The DNA Technologies Core Laboratory is an Invitrogen Supply Center!
Free Shipping!
DNA Technologies Core Laboratory customers receive an additional discount on all Invitrogen & Thermo Fisher catalog items!
For more information contact the Supply Center Customer Service Team
How to use the Invitrogen SupplyCenter
- Log on to the Invitrogen SupplyCenter , or create new user account
- Check the current inventory for your product, or special order an item (FREE SHIPPING!)
- At the checkout, enter your purchase order (PO) number.
- Print the order confirmation page.
- For special orders, an email will be automatically sent to the address on your SupplyCenter account when the shipment is received.
- Pick up your item(s) at the DNA Technologies Core Laboratory (Building 1197, VMR room 226 ).
Pick up is on the honor system. A copy of the order confirmation page is not needed. Please take only what you ordered.