
TVMA Member

Booth #: 89

Practice Address: N/A

Region #: 12 Multi-regional practice

Practice Setting: Various

Practice Type: Small animal exclusive (24 specialty referral hospitals in 12 states)

Practice Description: Veterinarian-owned and lead MedVet teams treat more than 120,000 dogs and cats every year. MedVet provides specialty practices for in-depth care and patient management as well as emergency services (available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day). Our staff provides expert specialized care in areas such as anesthesiology, cardiology, dentistry & oral surgery, dermatology, integrative medicine, internal medicine, interventional radiology, medical oncology, neurology, ophthalmology, radiation oncology, radiology, rehabilitative services, and surgical services. Those seeking a unique opportunity to become a shareholder and build wealth through ownership are encouraged to apply with us.

Veterinary Team

Contact Name: Meg Garrett

Contact Email:

Practice Phone: 614-368-2595


Opportunities Available

Interviewing for Associates? indicating yes

Externship Positions Available? indicating yes

Externship Housing Available? indicating no

V1–V3 Student Summer Employment? indicating yes