Freeport Veterinary Medical Center

Region 6 area of Texas

TVMA Member

Booth #: 58

Practice Address:
1316 N. Brazosport Blvd., Freeport, TX 77541

Region #: 6

Practice Setting: Urban

Practice Type: Mixed animal – small animal predominant

Practice Description: Community-oriented, modern, education-focused practice. Our goal is for our work family to be equipped with the best environment, tools, and support staff to meet the needs of our patients. We value team members who are personable, motivated, lifelong learners that enjoy their career. Patient type varies daily from small to large animal and exotics. Our doctors tailor their cases based on preference, but are always willing to step up and help out their colleagues in times of need.

Veterinary Team

Full-Time DVMs #: 5

Part-Time DVMs #: 0

Licensed Veterinary Techs #: 1

Contact Name: Amanda Rosborough

Contact Email:

Practice Phone: 979-233-3290


Opportunities Available

Interviewing for Associates? indicating yes

Externship Positions Available? indicating yes

Externship Housing Available? indicating yes

V1–V3 Student Summer Employment? indicating yes