Roo Vet

Region 6 area of Texas

Booth #: 73

Practice Address:
4203 Yoakum Blvd., Houston, TX 77006

Region #: 6

Practice Setting: Urban

Practice Type Other: Relief work

Practice Description: Here at Roo, our goal is to connect quality veterinary professionals with hospitals by providing a brand new, freelance marketplace and online community. Our platform enables hospitals to fulfill short-term personnel needs in real time, while allowing high-quality professionals to secure relief work at the click of a button. Members provide information on service needs, skills, and personal preferences, ensuring full transparency and accurate matching. Roo also represents a growing community of smart, trustworthy, agile, and resilient vet industry professionals who value flexibility and work-life balance, in addition to providing the best possible outcomes for clients and their pets.

Veterinary Team

Full-Time DVMs #: 1

Part-Time DVMs #: 0

Licensed Veterinary Techs #: 1

Contact Name: Charlotte Weir

Contact Email:

Practice Phone: 832-714-2192


Opportunities Available

Interviewing for Associates? indicating yes

Externship Positions Available? indicating yes

Externship Housing Available? indicating yes

V1–V3 Student Summer Employment? indicating yes

TVMA Member? indicating no