2010 AuthorAID Workshop
March 5, 2010 – Dr. Gastel and STJR student, and AuthorAID researcher, Bernard Appiah will be traveling to Sri Lanka March 15 to March 24 for AuthorAID workshops and meetings.
AuthorAID is an international project to help authors in developing countries write about their work. As knowledge community editor for AuthorAID, Dr. Gastel gives about three workshops on research-writing, typically in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, every year.
A series of AuthorAID workshops, lectures, and small group sessions will take place in Kandy, Sri Lanka from March 15 to March 19. Dr. Gastel will be giving a workshop on writing journal articles and applying for grants. Bernard will assist local co-facilitators with small-group discussions.
On March 22 and 23, Bernard and Dr. Gastel will head to Colombo for an AuthorAid project meeting, where participants will plan for the rest of 2010 and beyond.
March 24, Dr. Gastel will be presenting sessions on copyediting and proofreading at an AuthorAID workshop