Science Writer Maryn McKenna visits
Maryn McKenna, award-winning independent science writer, visited the Texas A&M University science and technology journalism (STJR) program November 29 through December 1.
During her stay, McKenna visited two STJR classes. In one, she discussed issues faced as a science writer. In the other, she dispensed advice on science writing and described her daily routine.
McKenna said she spends the first 2 hours of her day scouting science news websites and blogs. This information came as a relief to some. “After listening to her, I felt less guilty about checking blogs first thing in the morning,” said STJR student George Hale.
McKenna also met one-on-one with STJR students. Topics of discussion included writing technique, career options, and Shakespeare.
While visiting, McKenna gave two open presentations. The first was about MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), the protagonist of her book Superbug.
The second, supported by funding from the Western Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research, focused on H1N1 influenza and its coverage in the popular media.