South Africa – Meri Lee Parker (2024)
Although the people I shared this journey with were a big part of the experience, the work we did was even more incredible! We worked with black rhino, white rhino, lions, and various antelope species, along with seeing so many more amazing animals. We went on many game drives, which involved being in an open game viewer where you are directly exposed to the elements. There were many cold mornings, but we were more than happy to do it…. (Read More)
Bulgaria – Carter Miller (2024)
Aboard the train we watched as the surrounding buildings morphed from urban to suburban, and finally rural. The further we went into nowhere, the older the buildings got. It was like taking a train ride back in time as we passed old stone homes with smoking chimneys and wooden farm equipment. Arriving at a small junction used for mail distribution, we disembarked and began to hike into the woods. We followed a creek and set up camp a few miles in. That day Ivan taught us how to trap and capture the insects we would use to fish, as dusk set in the fish began to bite. We didn’t catch much but I really enjoyed wading in the river with my friends and sharing primitive camping connections you feel in survival situations… (Read More)
Italy – Noah Jefferson (2024)
Clinging to the edge of a city nearly thirty miles from Venice is one of the oldest schools in the world. Padova University is home to many programs, but the one responsible for bringing together students from the continental United States and Padova is its veterinary school. For five days each year, Padova and its veterinary students host American students hoping to learn more about public health in the broader context of OneHealth in a collaborative environment. This program is known as the International Mobilization of Veterinary Students or (iMOVES) and to say that this experience was incredible is an oversimplification… (Read More)
South Africa – Travis Shields (2024)
Most days were spent working with local veterinarians either at Seringa Ranch or at other large game ranches in the area. I had the privilege to work with the amazing veterinarians Dr. Beverly, Dr. Roper, and Dr. Glyphis throughout the trip. They were able to share their expertise in large game immobilization and allowed all of us students to collect hands-on experience with injections and treatments. I was fortunate to be able to give injections to a zebra, draw blood from a Cape buffalo bull, inject medication in an eland, and help transport lions. The days were packed with information and things to do. One day we worked with 8 different lions and another we worked with 3 black rhinos… (Read More)
Thailand – Emma Bruns (2024)
The trip was four weeks, each week in a different location. Our group was scheduled for the first week at the Elephant Nature Park (ENP). This was the week that I was most excited about because it was an opportunity to work with the elephants. ENP is a rescue and rehabilitation center for elephants and is home to many other types of animals. ENP is the first sanctuary of its kind in Asia and houses elephants rescued from many past abusive situations, such as street begging, trekking, circuses, and more. During our time at ENP, we learned about the elephant’s role in Thailand’s history, helping to understand why places like ENP are essential… (Read More)
I had the amazing opportunity of traveling to Santiago, Chile this summer for a small animal externship at Clinica Veterinaria San Cristobal. As a third-year veterinary student, I was able to assist the veterinarians in their everyday activities. This included working on cases, treating patients, communicating with clients, and assisting with surgeries. The clinic I was at was a well-established practice that brought in a lot of specialist from all over Santiago, including surgeons, anesthesiologists, internists, and an ultrasound specialist. I worked at a total of 4 veterinary practices, each with their own unique culture… (Read More)
Spain – Casey Stanley
This summer I traveled to Madrid, Spain, to join the veterinary students at Complutense de Madrid in their clinical rotations. I had such an amazing time working with the students and clinicians in the equine hospital, small animal gastrointestinal and oncology service and also with the large animal veterinarians outside of the hospital. For two months, I was able to work with the veterinarians in Spain, everyday speaking Spanish and working through medical cases or visiting farms to care for the animals. Through this opportunity, my level of Spanish has improved immensely while I have simultaneously gained more experience… (Read More)

Mexico – Amanda Day
I have always been interested in aquatic animals, but I had never considered pursuing a career in aquatic animal medicine. When I came to A&M I realized that learning more about aquatic animal medicine was a real possibility, but I would have to gain most of my experience through externships. This summer I was given the amazing opportunity to participate in MARVET, a marine veterinary externship designed to give hands-on aquatic animal experience to veterinarians and vet students…. (Read More)
Argentina – Branden Nettles

Four years ago, I was preparing to start veterinary school come fall. I was excited about the new journey ahead. I was most excited because I had developed an interest in the public service side of veterinary medicine during my time in undergrad, and I was eager to explore a field with seemingly endless options. Fast forward 3.5 years. I have had amazing opportunities to truly explore different sides of veterinary medicine. I worked with a dairy veterinarian in Valencia, Spain and participated in a veterinary public health short course in Padova, Italy… (Read More)