Winter Break
Happy end of the semester everyone! Hopefully, everyone did great on their finals. I know mine definitely had some room for improvement, but as we all prepare for the weeks of hopefully nothing, let’s leave that in the past. No matter how you did, be sure to give yourself some credit for sticking it through. Now we’re one semester closer to graduation! Whether that means one step closer to the “real world,” or one step closer to another educational program, it is still exciting. Every semester I say it was the fastest yet, and every semester this holds true.
I don’t know your specific plans for this winter break, but I wish the best to all of you. For myself, I know my Christmas will be filled with all the great smells, and foods the holiday times classically promise us. I can barely contain my excitement for the afternoons spent with family, rather than the afternoons spent with my poorly written notes. The only thing standing between me and a home cooked meal is a six-hour drive to South Texas, where I call home. A six-hour drive by yourself isn’t exactly what I’d describe as “fun,” but the imagined Christmas decorations of my home will keep me motivated.
Another great thing about this break, is its properties of rejuvenation. It will put a spring in our steps and prepare us for what is hopefully, another great semester for all.
Happy Holidays!!