Keeping Perspective for the Spring
Being a biomedical sciences (BIMS) major, it is fair to say that most of us want to eventually go to professional school.
Most schools take holistic approaches in evaluating their students, so we applicants try to make ourselves as well-rounded as possible. As much as we don’t like to admit it, this leads to a certain amount of competitiveness between us.
Shadowing, volunteering, working, or research—these are all experiences that we all try to stack up. And I find myself comparing what I’ve been doing to what my peers are doing: She’s volunteering at St. Joseph’s Hospital and doing research! He’s shadowing in the operating room over winter break! These thoughts constantly pop up.
Last semester, I worked two part-time jobs, one as a lab assistant in Texas A&M’s health and kinesiology department and the other here as a BIMS Ambassador.
Academically, I was also taking “Organic Chemistry” and “General Biology II,” along with six other credits, while doing research as part of the Biomedical Research Certificate Program.
Time management skills were crucial. I learned the hard way that studying ahead of time was the only way for me to be successful in really understanding the material from my classes for exams.
I learned to take deep breaths and pace myself when things seemed overwhelming and like they weren’t accomplishable.
I have learned to accept that I am already trying my best and doing what I can as an applicant. Comparing and worrying will do me no good, thus my goal for this semester is to start out with a different mindset.
Everyone is striving to reach their own goals and working hard for themselves, but we can all be in it together and help each other get through the rough times.
I can already feel a portion of the weight that has been on my shoulders lift with this change of perspective of things!