Spring has finally sprung in Aggieland, and I couldn’t be happier for it to finally be here. This winter seemed especially long, wet, cold, and dreary. I am not a huge fan of cold weather, especially not when you couple the cold temperatures with constant rain. Luckily, it seems as if the cold days are behind us and warm weather is here to stay. Spring is one of my favorite times of year for many reasons. I love the increase in temperature and the growth and rebirth that comes along with it. Birds are chirping, bluebonnets and wildflowers are in bloom, trees are turning green, and baby animals are all around. The longer days mean I actually have more time to see my horses and even occasionally take them for a ride. So in general, life is pretty good right now.
Summer is just around the corner and I feel a simultaneous sense of excitement and sadness thinking about it. I feel excitement, because summer is awesome. I will have the freedom to have time to pursue learning at vet clinics, to work, to travel, to sleep in, to enjoy outdoor activities, to visit family and friends, and to catch up on life outside of vet school. The only reason I feel sad when I think about summer coming up is because this summer represents the last summer of freedom before I enter into the real world and get a job. Next summer, I will be a fourth-year veterinary student, and I will be in clinics starting the week after the end of my 3VM semester. So this summer, I need to make sure to enjoy to the fullest.
I have big plans for the summer that include traveling back to NYC for a few weeks for work, doing a couple weeks of externships at various clinics across the country, attending several weddings of some of my very best friends, traveling, and spending time out in the great outdoors riding my horse as much as I can. I plan to spend time with my friends and family, because there is no telling where life will take me after I graduate. So this might be my last opportunity to spend an extended period of time back home. I also really look forward to getting to spend quality time with my nieces and nephews who are growing up too fast while I am away at school.
Ultimately, I can’t wait for summer to get here. Life moves at an incredibly fast pace, and in the blink of an eye, I know I will be walking the stage and earning my DVM degree. In the meantime, I plan to enjoy every minute of this time I still have left as a student.