By Morgan M.
It’s a common saying in veterinary school that if you don’t start off vet school with a pet, you will graduate with one. Most of us chose this career with a love for animals in mind, so it seems fitting that many of us want to welcome pets into our own homes, if we haven’t already.
After completing my first year of veterinary school, I found myself trying to decide if I could balance owning a dog with my school commitments. After talking to many of my classmates about the pros and cons, I made the leap and adopted a dog. As his first “adoption birthday” approaches, I find myself looking back on the past year and all the benefit pet ownership has added to my life as a veterinary student. For those of you worried about bringing your pet to veterinary school or any current veterinary students considering adding one to your family, I have compiled my personal list of pet ownership in vet school myths.
- MYTH: Owning a pet while in veterinary school will make me more stressed.
My Experience: Caring for a pet has helped decrease my stress and improved personal balance and time management. Owning a dog has forced me to set aside time every day after class to give him attention and exercise. While this obviously benefits him, it also has forced me to give myself a relaxing “brain break” after a long day of classes (a brain break I did not used to take on my own).
- MYTH: It is hard for college students to afford and access veterinary care.
My Experience: High-quality veterinary care is easily accessible to veterinary students. The Texas A&M Small and Large Animal Teaching Hospitals are a short, five-minute walk from our veterinary school and offer primary care services (vaccines, wellness exams, dental cleanings), board-certified specialty care (surgery, radiographs, emergency services), and emerging clinical research trials. In addition, Texas A&M students receive a generous student discount on veterinary services and can schedule their pets for drop-off appointments to fit veterinary care into our busy class schedules.
In addition, students receive discounts on food and other pet products. As Texas A&M students, we are lucky to be supported by a wide variety of veterinary producers. Students can apply for heavily discounted pet food, laboratory tests, supplements, and preventatives. Sponsors at student events, knowing our love for animals, often bring pet-themed giveaways such as leashes, toys, treats, and pet supply coupons.
- MYTH: I won’t have any time for my pet with the busy class schedule.
My Experience: Scheduled breaks during the day allow students to go home in between classes. All veterinary students have a lunch hour from noon to 1 p.m. Students are welcome to leave campus and have lunch at home with their pets before returning for afternoon classes and labs.
In addition, “vet school pets” get to participate in our veterinary education. The veterinary program at Texas A&M has a strong focus on hands-on-learning, so every semester, there are opportunities for “bring-your-pet-to-lab” days. Friendly, well-behaved pets are invited to join their owners in class and help the students learn about physical exams, dental exams, rehabilitation techniques, and ultrasound, just to name a few!
- MYTH: If class runs late or I need to leave town for an externship, I won’t have anyone to help take care of my pet.
My Experience: Veterinary school provides an easily accessible support network for pet owners. Before adopting my dog, I was worried about finding care for him if I had to leave town. However, I quickly learned that my class is full of other animal lovers like myself who are willing to help out with pet care if I need assistance. As my third-year classmates and I look forward to our fourth-year clinics, we have already started preparing a group schedule to make sure everyone’s pets will be looked after if their owners pursue educational opportunities outside of College Station.
Every vet student’s vet school experience is different. While for some, pet ownership may add another obligation to an already busy schedule, I personally have no regrets about adopting a dog during veterinary school. Texas A&M provides an accommodating schedule, easily accessible high-quality veterinary care, and a great community of other animal lovers who have helped me continue to succeed as a veterinary student with my dog by my side.