By Soha L.’25, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student

If you find yourself taking an alternative route before applying to or starting veterinary school, know that you are not alone! Soon after completing my undergraduate degree in 2019, I got engaged and therefore decided to take a couple of years off from school to work, live life, and get married.
At the time, I had no idea how much having a spouse during vet school was going to shape my life. If you are lucky enough to be in a committed relationship with someone who is willing to move anywhere with you and help you follow your dreams, then I have some tips for being married in vet school for you!
Make Time For Each Other
Always make time to go on dates and spend quality time together that does not revolve around vet school. You will spend more time than you think sharing your experiences with your partner/spouse, and while I’m sure they want to be supportive, it’s considerate to give them a night off and just make time for them.
Take Your Spouse To Outings With Classmates
It was a little difficult at first for my husband to make friends with everyone since we talked about school a lot and he couldn’t relate. You will form a family-like bond with your classmates over the years with people that genuinely love you and will be supportive of everything about you. Over time, my classmates and I realized how much we have in common aside from school, and not only did my friendships grow with them but my husband has become much closer with them as well.
Don’t Forget To Support Them, Too
Lastly, you will feel like you’re having some of the hardest moments of your life during vet school due to the academic rigor, isolation from friends and family who predate your veterinary school admission, and constant pressure. At the end of the day your spouse is who keeps you smiling through it all. But understand that they are going through hardships too and constantly supporting you, so always give your support back.
It may seem difficult to prioritize and set aside the time for a partner/spouse during vet school at first, but you quickly realize that this person is going to be there with you every step of the way and be there for you when you need support most. From when you get your acceptance letter, Aggie ring, and white coat, to when you’re feeling burnt out and defeated, your better half will always be there cheering you on.