Toxicology Fund

Contributions to the Interdisciplinary Faculty of Toxicology (IFT) Enhancement Fund will help make a difference by assisting faculty in their efforts to provide students with a challenging academic and research environment and to improve animal, human, and environmental health.
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The Initiative

Your Support

The Interdisciplinary Faculty of Toxicology (IFT) in the School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University was originally derived from a faculty-driven initiative to capitalize on the diverse strengths of individual investigators from multiple departments with interests in environmental health and toxicology. The IFT was established in 1989 by faculty from six colleges and 17 departments at Texas A&M and affiliated state and federal laboratories. Students receive their degree in toxicology and retain an affiliation with the home department of their graduate mentors and fulfill the academic requirements of both their department and the IFT. This transdisciplinary model has greatly facilitated development of outstanding graduates who possess a strong understanding of environmental health sciences, and also appreciate the diverse skills of scientists with different research interests. IFT graduates have been highly successful and play an essential role in protecting human and environmental health and are respected leaders in industry, government, and academia.


Concerns about the quality and safety of our environment have evoked a growing awareness of the significant hazards associated with diverse organic and metal pollutants in air, water, and food destined for human consumption. Many of these pollutants can have severe and long-lasting effects on the health of animals, humans, and the environment. Clearly, interdisciplinary research is warranted to enhance our ability to assess, manage, and mitigate these environmental risks globally.

Your contributions to the IFT Enhancement Fund will make an immediate impact and will help us to achieve our major objective by supporting:

  • Student training and scholarship
  • Travel to Toxicology conferences
  • Interdisciplinary IFT workshops
  • Toxicology seminars and forums


Our Objectives

The major objective of the IFT is to provide students at Texas A&M with a challenging academic and research environment that will prepare them for future careers as leaders in the field, focusing on improving animal, human, and environmental health.