Biomedical Sciences Holds New Student Conferences
With the fall 2014 semester just around the corner, students are arriving to attend the Biomedical Sciences (BIMS) new student conferences, bringing in a total of 865 enrolled students for the fall. This number is up by 114 students from last year.
“When we run an orientation, we spend approximately eight hours with students, giving presentations, meeting one-on-one with students to customize their courses according to their AP/Dual credits and previous coursework, and finally, registering the students so that they don’t have to wait in the computing centers and the chaos,” said Dr. Elizabeth Crouch, director of the BIMS program at Texas A&M University. “The Biomedical Sciences Association, which Meredith Permenter and Dr. Tawfik Omran oversee, is also present and helps with the orientation.”
By the end of the summer, there will have been approximately 1800 visitors to the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM), including all prospective students and their families. The new student conferences are a wonderful opportunity for people to see the CVM and to get excited about being part of BIMS, the CVM and Texas A&M.
“The BIMS staff is outstanding, as you can imagine that it is difficult to process that many students while keeping everyone happy and keeping up the accuracy of our advice,” said Crouch. “I am proud to work with them.”