Training your pet parrot

The benefits of training a pet parrot extend well beyond the entertainment value of owning a talking bird who can do entertaining tricks. Training strengthens the bond between owner and parrot, provides companionship, and increases the health and well-being of the parrot. Connie Woodman is a bird enthusiast and a graduate student at the Texas […]

Pet Birds

When people think of pets, dogs and cats are typically what come to mind. However, if you crave a companion that barks a little less and sings a little more, a pet bird may be just what you’re looking for. Before adding this feathered-friend to your family, be sure that you’re able to meet their […]


If you are a fan of movies, you will undoubtedly know that birds play an important role in films that we have grown to love as both children and adults. Cinderella wouldn’t have made it to the ball without the speedy wardrobe assembly from her little winged assistants, and Harry Potter depended on his trusty […]


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