Texas A&M Now Offering Veterinary Clinical Nutrition Service

A new service area offering specialized nutrition advice for cats and dogs has opened within the Texas A&M Small Animal Teaching Hospital’s (SATH) Gastrointestinal Laboratory (GI Lab). The service will provide nutrition support for all SATH patients, as well as support for other patients via referral from primary care providers. Additionally, the service will provide […]

New Study Reveals Owner Demographics Influence Canine Nutrition

Dog owners have quite a bit of control over their pets’ diets, and many have strong opinions on what kinds of diets are best for their canine friends. But a new study from the Dog Aging Project (DAP) at Texas A&M University and investigators at Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine has revealed that the reasons […]

What Kind Of Food Should You Feed Your Dog? A Nutritionist’s Advice

Have you ever wandered into the pet supplies section of the grocery store and felt overwhelmed by the number of dog food choices? To help unravel this common conundrum, Dr. Katie Tolbert, a board-certified veterinary nutritionist and associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, offers expert advice on what […]

Pumpkin Safety For A Pet-Friendly Halloween

As Halloween creeps closer, the time to carve pumpkins with spooky faces grows near, and since pumpkins are safe for both cats and dogs to eat, creating jack-o-lanterns is an activity your furry family members can participate in, with appropriate supervision.  Dr. Katie Tolbert, a clinical associate professor in small animal and comparative gastroenterology at […]

Offering Spoiled Food Is No Way To Spoil Your Pet

People may choose to eat foods past their expiration date, as long as the food looks and smells good, but that doesn’t mean this practice is safe for pet food. Ensuring pet food is suitable to eat is the first step to preventing your dog or cat from becoming ill.  Dr. Katie Tolbert, a clinical […]

The Hidden Dangers Of Salmonella Infections

Humans typically avoid raw foods because of the risk of developing a salmonella infection, a common bacterial disease that harms the intestinal tract. While humans can be infected with salmonella more easily than animals, there is still a risk of pets developing the infection as well. Dr. Katie Tolbert, a clinical associate professor in small […]

Ignore Those Puppy Eyes: Feeding Dogs Healthy Treats During The Holidays

Some dogs enjoy the spoils of begging for food; they might even swipe something off of a plate or the table when they think no one is watching. Yet these scraps aren’t always healthy for dogs and can create health issues over time. Because of this, Dr. Katie Tolbert, a clinical associate professor in small […]


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