Keep up with news about the Stevenson Companion Animal Life-Care Center at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.
Large Animal & Bird Enrollment Moratorium
Due to our current limited space for large animals and birds, the staff recommended, and the advisory board approved, a temporary moratorium on large animal and bird enrollments effective Feb. 1, 2018. We’re working with the college and the university to develop new and larger facilities, which will allow us to re-open large animal and bird enrollment.
Cody Mouse Rings the Oncology Bell to Celebrate the End of Radiation Treatment
The Stevenson Center’s dear Cody Mouse rang the bell, with Janet’s help, after completing a round of 20 radiation treatments to battle the meningioma that was discovered in his brain. We’re so grateful for the thoughtful and skilled doctors, technicians, and support staff in the Oncology Service at the Texas A&M Small Animal Teaching Hospital (SATH). They were wonderful through this month-long ordeal for Cody Mouse and our entire staff.

Right: Janet helps Cody Mouse ring the bell.
Current Residents
Samantha is an elderly kitty who came to the center from the Dallas area in April of 2024 with her housemate, Abigail. She is a beautiful girl and loves attention.
Abigail arrived at the center from the Dallas area in April of 2024 with her housemate, Samantha. She is an elderly girl and has adjusted quite nicely to her new home.
Dandelion came to the center in February of 2023 with her pasture mate, Elena. They are quite the attraction to all who pass by their barn.
Elena came to the center in February of 2023 with her pasture mate, Dandelion. They are quite the attraction to all who pass by their barn.
Ivy entered the center from Houston in March of 2023 with her housemate, Cleo. She is a gorgeous girl, and we all love her. They play together all day long.
Cleo entered the center from Houston in March of 2023 with her housemate, Ivy. She is a beautiful girl, and the entire staff loves her. They play together all day long.
Mitzi came to the center in Sep. of 2022 from College Station. She is a beloved, sweet 12 year old Yorkshire Terrier.
Milo came to the center in Mar. of 2022 from Kingwood, TX with Snow White and Tiffany. He is a sweet clown.
Snow White
Snow White came to the center in Mar. of 2022 from Kingwood, TX with Tiffany and Milo. She is sweet and beautiful.
Butler came to the center in Dec. of 2021 from Houston. He is an active boy and brings us much joy.
Hans is a big, gorgeous German Shepherd who came to the center from Alvin, TX in Nov. of 2021 with Ava and Heidi.
Ava, a beautiful German Shepherd, came to the center from Alvin, TX in Nov. of 2021 with Heidi and Hans.
Heidi, a beautiful German Shepherd, came to the center in Nov. of 2021 from Alvin, TX. She came with Hans and Ava.
Pepe came to the center in Oct. of 2021 from Florida. He is a 30 year old Mini Macaw. He is very entertaining.
Cody Mouse
Cody Mouse came to the center in October of 2021 from San Antonio. He is a beautiful Sheltie. His personality is as sweet as he is beautiful. Cody Mouse is a wonderful addition to the center family.
Reveille IX
Reveille IX retired to the Stevenson Center after serving as Texas A&M’s revered mascot for 5 years. It is an honor to care for Reveille in her well-deserved retirement. She is a joy to all of us at the center. Rev has not skipped a beat while enjoying her new…
He came to the center in December of 2020 from Addison, TX. with 3 housemates. His littermate is Riley.
He came to the center in December of 2020 from Addison, TX. with 3 housemates. His littermate is Zeke.
He came to the center in December of 2020 from Addison, TX. with 3 housemates. His littermate is Dexter.
She came to the center in December of 2020 from Addison, TX. with 3 housemates. Her littermate is Dash.
Katie is a sweet 6-year-old cat who came to the center in Sept. 2020 from San Antonio.
This beautiful Holland Lop rabbit entered the center in July of 2020 from New Mexico.
Millie came to the center in July of 2019. She is a Dandie Dinmont Terrier. We anticipate many years of love and fun with Millie in her new family.
Blossom came to the center in June 2019 with her housemate, Pecos Bunny. She is a beautiful Netherland Dwarf rabbit. We enjoy interacting with Blossom. She’s precious!
Kacey came to the center in May of 2019 from South Carolina. She is a beautiful calico cat. We are all enjoying Kacey and welcoming her into her new family of humans and other cats. She has acclimated nicely to her new surroundings.
Chaco came to the center in November 2018. He is a Holland Lop, and we love watching him play with a ball and jump around his enclosure. He’s a beautiful bunny.
Tiger Lilly
Tiger Lilly is a beautiful girl who entered the center in July of 2018 with her housemates, Gracie and Jake. She is a young, energetic girl who is keeping us very active. This threesome is a beautiful family added to our family here at the center.
Gracie R.
Gracie R. came to us from Abilene in July of 2018 with her two housemates. She is a sweet girl. We all enjoy dear Gracie.
A ‘Home Away From Home’ for Veterinary Student Residents
Each year, four veterinary students at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences have the opportunity to live at the Stevenson Companion Animal Life-Care Center, a facility like no other that provides a home for companion animals whose owners have passed away or otherwise have become unable to care for their beloved pets. Read more…
Stevenson Center celebrates 30th anniversary
In 1993, the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) established a center dedicated to selflessly serving pets whose owners can no longer provide their care. The one-of-a-kind center known as the Stevenson Companion Animal Life-Care Center celebrates its 30th anniversary this March. Read more…
Dr. Miller begins appointment as Stevenson Center Director
In September 2022, Dr. Miller assumed the role of director of the Stevenson Companion Animal Life-Care Center, a facility on the Texas A&M University campus in which a team of staff and students provides for the physical, emotional, and medical needs of companion animals whose owners are no longer able to provide that care. Read more…
Stevenson Continues its mission during the pandemic
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, many of the CVM’s programs and activities were temporarily stopped; however, the Stevenson Center has carried on thanks to the dedicated staff and students who continue to dedicate their lives to caring for these animals. Read more…
Reveille IX retires at the Stevenson Center
In May 2021, Reveille IX, the First Lady of Texas A&M University, retired to the Stevenson Companion Animal Life-Care Center. The entire staff of the center is honored and excited to be able to provide her with the comfort and love she has always enjoyed as she begins her retirement. We’re so proud that Reveille IX has continued the tradition set by her predecessor, Reveille VIII, in joining our family here at the center.

Farewell to our beloved Reveille VIII
We’re overcome with grief at the loss of Miss Rev in June 2018 due to cancer. It was the center’s privilege and honor to care for Reveille in her three years of retirement after serving for seven years as the Texas A&M University mascot. She was as regal in retirement as she was during her service to the university. Our hearts are broken as we carry on our days without her. Miss Rev was a wonderful girl with a beautiful soul and we will always feel her absence. Rest in peace, dear friend.

Happy 12th Birthday, Reveille VIII!
Reveille VIII’s 12th birthday was May 23, 2018. We celebrated at the center with Frosty Paws for Reveille. She loves her Frosty Paws.

Reveille VIII retires at the Stevenson Center
Reveille VIII, the First Lady of Texas A&M University, retired to the Stevenson Companion Animal Life-Care Center in May of 2015. The entire staff of the center is honored and excited to be able to provide Reveille VIII with the comfort and love she has always enjoyed as she begins her retirement. She receives the same excellent veterinary care that all of our resident pets are afforded at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. We are so happy and proud that Reveille VIII has joined our center family!
Reveille VIII, VMBS, and the Stevenson Center honored by Blair
Reveille VIII was honored by Texas A&M Girls’ Basketball Head Coach Gary Blair on Feb. 16, 2015, with a plaque commemorating her seven years of service to Texas A&M University. The VMBS was also recognized at this presentation.

Pictured left to right are Dr. Kenita Rogers, Dr. Stacy Eckman, former Coach Gary Blair, Ryan Kreider & Reveille VIII, Dr. Eleanor M. Green, the former Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine, and Ellie Greenbaum, Stevenson Center Associate Director.