2010 CSE Annual Meeting
May 25, 2010 – Dr. Barbara Gastel finished her term as the editor for Science Editor at the Council of Science Editors annual meeting in Atlanta May 14-18. Accompanying her were STJR students Bernard Appiah, Wura Aribisala, George Hale, Christina Sumners, and Emily White, who reported on meeting sessions for Science Editor.
Gastel and the STJR students covered sessions on topics such as ethics, best hiring practices, communicating with non-native English speaking authors, how journals can use the Internet, international markets, and data visualization. Articles on these sessions will be published in Science Editor in the fall.
This year’s meeting theme, ” The Changing Climate of Scientific Publishing-The Heat Is On “, refers both to global climate change and future changes to scientific publishing. Speakers J. Marshall Shepherd and George Luber covered the issues surrounding climate change and how those changes could affect public health.
At the awards luncheon on Monday May 17th, Dr. Gastel received the Award for Meritorious Achievement from the Council of Science Editors. After receiving the award, Gastel gave a speech about Science Editor, how it has changed over the past 12 years that she has been editor, and how it is time for new ideas and perspectives for the journal. For more information, see the College of Veterinary Medicine press release at News.