STJR Program Has Busy 2013, Welcomes Applicants for 2014
A positive external review, internships here and abroad, and continued job-placement success have highlighted 2013 for the STJR program. Applications have been arriving for 2014, and the program looks forward to more.
At Texas A&M University, each program undergoes external review every 7 years. In spring 2013, the STJR program underwent review. Beforehand, it prepared an extensive self-study report. Reviewers then visited the campus.
The reviewers wrote that “the program has been very effective in training students for a variety of science communication professions.” They also offered ideas for developing the program further.
During the year, STJR students did internships at varied sites. Among them: the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (in Italy), the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the Texas Heart Institute, and Texas Sea Grant.
Other highlights of the year included trips of STJR students to the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting, the American Medical Writers Association annual conference, and other professional meetings.
STJR students have been in high demand for jobs. Recently accepted positions include assistant managing editor at BioScience Writers, biomedical editor at Cadent Medical Communications, and science communication coordinator at a major Mexican university.
Review of applications for fall 2014 entry has begun. For top consideration, candidates should apply by February 1. The program coordinator, Dr. Barbara Gastel (, is glad to answer questions.