
The Research Histology Unit is a full-service histology laboratory that provides routine tissue embedding, slide preparation, digital pathology (pathologist’s analyses via consultation or collaboration and whole slide imaging), and staining. Please consult with us if you have unique tissue handling needs for your research. We can accommodate most researchers’ needs.
- Embedding: paraffin or OCT medium (frozen tissue).
- Slide preparation: microtome (paraffin) or cryostat (frozen tissue)
- Histological stains: Routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E); an extensive list of special stains (see PDF), and immunohistochemistry/IFC (see link to IHC page) are available.
- Whole slide imaging: Our Pannoramic SCAN II can automatically digitize up to 150 slides in one run. It can digitize your fluorescent samples in 6 different fluorescent channels. The Pannoramic SCAN II supports the best Carl Zeiss objectives, achieving up to 43x or 86x resolution (scanned at 20x or 40x magnification, respectively).
- Pathology consultation and/or collaboration: Yava Jones-Hall DVM, PhD is a board-certified veterinary pathologist and is available for consultation or collaboration. Dr. Jones-Hall uses the VisioPharm platform for analyses. Contact her at yavajh@tamu.edu to discuss your project needs.