This is my last semester as an undergraduate BIMS major. It’s crazy how fast these past four years have gone. It’s funny how you always hear about how fast time flies by, but you never really believe it until you experience it yourself.
One of the best aspects of being a BIMS ambassador is getting to speak to lower classmen and prospective students. I have always loved getting to talk to people and see why they want to come to Texas A&M or about why they chose BIMS as their major. I also try to give advice whenever I feel like I can help another student out.
Last semester, I met a young freshman girl on the bus to the vet school. She was super nervous for her Intro to Histology class and was asking me advice on how to study, since I told her that I was a TA for that exact course for a year the year before. We said good-bye as I gave her my number in case she ever had more questions for me. This past week she texted me and asked me for advice on choosing classes. It was great getting to help her by giving her advice on teachers and the difficulty of courses!
One of the best things you can do as a student is try to help other students. You must always remember that everyone is also going to be taking courses that will rack their brain, make them drink loads of coffee to study for, and essentially teach them things they never knew.
Most of the classes you may take are going to be difficult, especially as a BIMS major, since we all want to be some form of a doctor or MS or PhD or go into some other professional school. The best thing you can do is offer help or advice whenever you can because we are all in this together.
So, whether you are in college or about to apply, remember to always be willing to help another student, especially another Aggie, whenever they look like they need a helping hand.