One More Go

This is my last semester as an undergraduate BIMS major. It’s crazy how fast these past four years have gone. It’s funny how you always hear about how fast time flies by, but you never really believe it until you experience it yourself.

One of the best aspects of being a BIMS ambassador is getting to speak to lower classmen and prospective students. I have always loved getting to talk to people and see why they want to come to Texas A&M or about why they chose BIMS as their major. I also try to give advice whenever I feel like I can help another student out.

Last semester, I met a young freshman girl on the bus to the vet school. She was super nervous for her Intro to Histology class and was asking me advice on how to study, since I told her that I was a TA for that exact course for a year the year before. We said good-bye as I gave her my number in case she ever had more questions for me. This past week she texted me and asked me for advice on choosing classes. It was great getting to help her by giving her advice on teachers and the difficulty of courses!

One of the best things you can do as a student is try to help other students. You must always remember that everyone is also going to be taking courses that will rack their brain, make them drink loads of coffee to study for, and essentially teach them things they never knew.

Most of the classes you may take are going to be difficult, especially as a BIMS major, since we all want to be some form of a doctor or MS or PhD or go into some other professional school. The best thing you can do is offer help or advice whenever you can because we are all in this together.

So, whether you are in college or about to apply, remember to always be willing to help another student, especially another Aggie, whenever they look like they need a helping hand.

Looking Back: Amazing Organizations and Inspiring People

When I was in high school, I looked forward to my senior year. I was excited to be a part of all the high school senior events and to move on and go to college. Now, four years later, I am a senior in college. The differences are outstanding! I am actually incredibly sad to be on my last year of undergraduate. Coming to Texas A&M was one of the best decisions I ever made. I have been able to be a part of some amazing organizations, where I have met inspiring people.

Pre-vet society has given me tips and opportunities to hear about my future career. My faith has grown stronger as I have served as an Aggie Catholic Ambassador and helped to raise funds for St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Being an Aggie Student Network Ambassador has given me the opportunity to hear so many amazing Aggie stories and to share my own. I have sat next to billionaire donors of Texas A&M, and I have met the oldest Aggie still living.

As a Biomedical Sciences Ambassador, I have been able to learn all about the veterinary school I hope to one day attend myself. I have been able to meet prospective students who I see myself in and former students who graduated and went on to work in the veterinary field.

The people I have met along the way have encouraged me and have inspired me to be a great Aggie. I received my Aggie ring back in September, and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t cry a little.

It has been a great three years so far, and I am so excited to see what my senior year holds for me. To prospective students that are looking at coming to Texas A&M University, I always encourage them to apply. This university has so much to offer to anyone who wishes to be an Aggie!

Springtime Means Puppy Time

Can you believe it’s already mid-April? I feel like I took a nap in January and just woke up in April. The spring semester always goes by SO quickly. The last exams in most classes are happening right now so students everywhere are stressing and drinking way more coffee than normal.

Right now is not a time to get a new puppy, but of course that is exactly what I did. My mother recently rescued a Yorkshire terrier mix that we share. I get her for about a week every two weeks. The puppy’s name is Sushi, and she’s the cutest thing that I have ever seen in my life. She’s an energetic ball of wily hair that weighs three pounds, so of course she’s spoiled rotten.

When we first adopted her, I was set that she would never get on the couch or sleep in the bed or own a ton of toys. She quickly found a loophole to getting on the couch by climbing up legs, she sleeps right next to me on my bed, and she now is the proud owner of nine toys. She wins the heart of everyone that sees her.

This past weekend, I took her for a walk around the pond behind the George Bush Library and Museum on campus. Every single person who passed us by either said “Aw” or stopped to pet her.

Thankfully, Texas A&M has multiple libraries so that there are places that I have been able to go whenever my apartment gets too distracting (or whenever my puppy gives me that sweet look that makes me want to cuddle with her).

A Semester Full of Science

It is only the third week of this new spring semester, but I can already tell that it’s going to be an enjoyable semester for me. I am finally finished taking all of the “101”s and the “introduction to” classes and have started taking classes that are on what I consider more interesting sciences.

This semester I am enrolled in biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, and an animal science course. I used to work in a diagnostics lab during my first two years of college, so I have experience working around bacteria and know my way around a plate of agar. I am extremely excited to be able to learn more in-depth information about all the bacteria I used to handle on a daily basis.

In high school, I realized I had a huge interest in genetics when I learned about it in biology class, so I am beyond ready to learn more about genes in college.

Most of the people I have talked to rave about biochemistry. Apparently, this is the course that finally pieces together the science classes I have taken so far and ties them in with practical knowledge about your body and the chemicals life is made of.

I have always been a science nut, so you can imagine I love my schedule that finally is full of science classes. I am also a teaching assistant (TA) again for a histology course. I first started my TA position last semester and had a lot of fun, so I decided to do it again. I have gained personal experience in the responsibilities of TAs and how much work they have to do to keep a class running smoothly. Being a TA has made me really appreciate all of the TAs I have had in college.

Lastly, I am also involved in a research project. My research team focuses on the activation or inactivation of specific genes associated with colon cancer in humans to compare the effects of these mutations within the colonic epithelium, or the outer layer of cells. I have never been involved with a research project dealing with genetics and cancer, but I cannot wait to learn as much as I can. As the next few weeks pass by, I hope that I can stay optimistic in my classes, especially as test weeks come along.

The Calm Before the Storm

Now that midterms have come and gone, I have the smallest of breaks in tests for the next two weeks. This is a time period I like to call “the calm before the storm.” I always feel that once midterms are over, the rest of the semester flies by. I have enjoyed my semester so far. One of my favorite aspects about this term is shadowing at one of the local animal clinics. A huge aspect of applying and getting into veterinarian school is to make sure to have as many veterinary and animal experience hours as possible. One of the ways to get an ample amount of hours is by shadowing a veterinarian.

The clinic where I currently shadow is a mixed animal practice. There are two veterinarians on staff along with a few veterinary techs. I mainly follow the work of the head veterinarian, who also happens to be a Texas A&M graduate. I spend my Monday mornings, Thursday afternoons, and Friday mornings at the clinic; I look forward to each of my shifts. I have shadowed for other vets before, but I feel like I have learned so much in the small amount of time I have been at this clinic. The staff members are all incredibly nice and are always so helpful and happy to answer all of my questions (which there tend to be a lot of). I have learned about a variety of diseases and surgeries, as well as watched many surgeries performed. I feel like I have watched a million spays and neuters, yet I manage to still be amazed at how the surgery plays out. Being at the clinic is the perfect break from classes and homework; I get to de-stress by being around animals and learning how to treat them.

Having the opportunity to able to learn from a veterinarian who has accomplished so much and seems so wise has been a blessing. He has been so patient with me, attempting to teach me as much as he can about a variety of diseases and species. I hope to one day be able to remember how he ran his clinic and what type of veterinarian he was in order to be like him. There is a farm call to be scheduled soon, and since I missed the last one, I am very excited for this next one. I just hope it’s before the “storm” of finals comes my way!