This is my first blog as a CVM Ambassador! As a new ambassador, I am still in training for giving tours, which is the activity the CVM Ambassadors are most recognized for.
As part of my training, next week I will lead a supervised tour, which is the last step in my tours training; with a supervised tour, a “veteran” ambassador accompanies and evaluates me on the first group tour I will lead. If that goes well, I will no longer be a trainee!
I am very excited about this because my parents are coming down with my sister and a few of her friends who are interested in the biomedical sciences (BIMS) and veterinary medicine programs. I hope to be the one who gives their tour because there is something special about showing the most exciting parts of your job to your family.
Also exciting is that I am in my fifth week of my sophomore year as a BIMS major!
This semester, I’m taking organic chemistry, physics, mathematical models (research class), and bioterrorism classes. As one can image, organic chemistry and physics both have massive workloads; I find myself continually reorganizing my time to complete my homework efficiently.
But organic chemistry is essential to my undergraduate career because it lays the foundation for my understanding of pharmaceutical drugs. While I have not decided what exactly I want to do post-graduation, I have always found the process in which drugs travel through the body and treat their intended target unique, so no matter the route I take, understanding of the chemical compound in a medication will better my ability to do well in my profession.
So between my course work, my job as an ambassador, and my student organization, I am quite busy, but I’m also trying to focus on the future.
In my program, I’m working toward certifications in biomedical research and medical Spanish, and as a part of my Spanish certification, I am required to study aboard, so I am applying to go to Costa Rica in the fall of 2020. I am very excited about the opportunities that will come from going to Costa Rica, and I will update you in my next blog on if my application was accepted!