Exploring Equine Dentistry

Grace, a second-year veterinary student, has found a passion for equine dentistry through her involvement with the Equine Practitioner club.

During an immersive three-day workshop, Grace learned about the tools and technique needed to float horses’ teeth. Horses can’t naturally file down their teeth, so floating, a specialized dental procedure, helps smooth down sharp and uneven edges.

“This training didn’t just fill my mind with information; it ignited a passion for helping horses in my community,” Grace said.

Following the training, Grace has partnered with a local stable to help float horses’ teeth and put these skills into action during an externship!

Grace holds a dental drill inside an equine barn

Hitting the Ground Running

So far, this semester is off to a great start. It has been fun but also very busy. I am taking anatomy, immunology, genetics, an online writing class, and phonetics and phonology.


Although this does not sound like a super busy schedule, they are all morning classes and then in the afternoons, I work as an ambassador and am involved in two student organizations, which means I am pretty much on campus from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day.


While it’s only the third week of school, I like the businesses of it all. And, thankfully, all of my classes are interesting, so that helps to stay awake!


Of all of the classes I am taking this semester, anatomy has been the monster already. We are responsible for knowing the bones, muscles, major veins and arteries, and nerves of the thoracic limb.


I have had tough classes before but never like this. We literally study every day just to stay on top of things. However, my labmates and the graduate student lecturer have been very helpful in understanding concepts, so things are getting better.


When things are challenging, I like to think of things in terms of “how is this going to benefit me in the future?” I’ve had to remind myself of that, even from the first day; yes, this class is tough, but it is going to be so beneficial to me in the long run because it is teaching me how to effectively study every day, collaborate with others, ask for help, and how to critically think about topics and connections.


Thinking this way has made me appreciate this class and the teaching style infinitely more.


On a more future professional note, I have received interviews at all three dental schools in Texas and I could not be prouder and more excited! I only applied to Texas schools because, one, they are cheaper and, two, I do not want to go super far away from my family. I have had two interviews already and I have my last one tomorrow!


Mostly, everything that is happening has made me realize that my dreams are finally becoming a reality! And I am so thankful to God for that!