Research and Publications
Research: Biomedical Genomics
Our lab focuses on studying the heredity basis of equine congenital defects and economically significant traits in domestic animals (mainly the horse); interrelationships of inbreeding, genetic polymorphism, and reproductive performance in horses; population genetics of feral horses; comparative aspects of genetic variation in horses under human selection and under natural selection; genetic aspects of captivity; genetics of domestication. Management of genetic polymorphism in small populations and conservation of rare breeds; genetic relationship among domestic horse breeds; changes in gene regulation based upon environmental factors; gene mapping of the horse.
Journal Cover

Microsatellite analysis of genetic variability in Waler horses from Australia.
A. M. Khanshour, R. Juras and E.G. Cothran.
Australian Journal of Zoology 61(5) 357-365
Selected Publications
- The global spread of Oriental Horses in the past 1,500 years through the lens of the Y chromosome.
Radovic,L., Remer, V., Rigler, D., Bozlak, E., Allen, L., Brem, G., Reissman, M., Brockmann, G.A., Ropka-Molik, K., Stefaniuk-Szmukier, M., Kalinkova, L., Kalashnikov, V.V., Zaitev, A.M., Raudsepp, T., Castaneda, C., von Butler-Wemken, I., Rosa, L.P., Brooks, S.A., Novoa‐Bravo, M., Kostaras, N., Abdurasulov, A., Antczak, D.F., Miller, D.C., Lopes, M.S., Machado, A.C., Lindgren, G., Juras, R., Cothran, G., Wallner, B. PNAS 121 (49) e2414408121.
- Naturally occurring horse model of miscarriage reveals temporal relationship between chromosomal aberration type and point of lethality.
Lawson, J.M., Salem, S.E., Miller. D. , Kahler, A., van den Boer, W.J., Shilton, C.A., Sever, T., Mouncey, R.R., Ward, J., Hampshire, D.J., Foote, A.K., Bryan, J.S., Juras, R., Pynn, O.D., Davis, B.W., Bellone, R.R., Raudsepp,T., Mestre, A.M. DevelopmentalBiology 2024 121 (33) e2405636121.
- Relatedness and genomic inbreeding in a sample of Timor ponies.
Doris E. Fröhlich, D.E., Wallner, B., Juras, R., Cothran, E.G., Velie, B.D. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 2024 Volume 133, 105016.
- Chromosome-level reference genome for North American bison (Bison bison) and variant database aids in identifying albino mutation.
Stroupe, S., Martone, C., McCann, B., Juras, R., Kjöllerström, H.J., Raudsepp, T., Beard, D., Davis, B.W., Derr, J.N. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 2023 jkad156.
- Genomic studies of Thoroughbred stallions’ ‘idiopathic’ subfertility.
Castaneda, C., Hernandez-Aviles, C., Love, C.C., Varner, D.D., Juras, R., Davis, B.W., Raudsepp, .T. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 2023 Volume 125, 104581.
- Refining the evolutionary tree of the horse Y chromosome.
Bozlak, E., Radovic, L., Remer, V., Rigler, D., Allen, L., Brem, G., Stalder, G., Castaneda, C., Cothran, G., Raudsepp, T., Okuda, Y., Moe, K., Moe, H., Kounnavongsa, B., Keonouchanh, S., Van, N., Vu, V., Shah, M., Nishibori, M., Kazymbet, P., Bakhtin, M., Zhunushov. A., Paul, R.., Dashnyam, B., Nozawa, K., Almarzook, S., Brockmann, G., Reissmann, M., Antczak, D., Miller, D., Sadeghi, R., von Butler-Wemken, I., Kostaras, N., Han, H., Manglai, D., Abdurasulov, A., Sukhbaatar, B., Ropka-Molik, K., Stefaniuk-Szmukier, M., Lopes, M., Câmara Machado, A., Kalashnikov, V., Kalinkova, L., Zaitev, A., Novoa‐Bravo, M., Lindgren, G., Brooks, S., Rosa, L., Orlando, L., Juras, R., Kunieda, T. & Wallner, B. Sci Rep 2023 13, 8954
- Genetic Variability of Small Horse Populations from Greek Islands.
Emilio Katsoulakou, M. , Papachristou, D. , Kostaras, N. , Laliotis, G. , Bizelis, I. , Cothran, E. G. , Juras, R. & Koutsouli, P. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture. 2023 6 (2) , 117-125 . DOI: 10.47115/bsagriculture.1165045
- The Second Case of Non-Mosaic Trisomy of Chromosome 26 with Homologous Fusion 26q;26q in the Horse.
Ghosh, S., Kjöllerström, J., Metcalfe, L., Reed, S., Juras, R., Raudsepp, T. Animals 2022, 12, 803
- Y-Chromosomal Insights into Breeding History and Sire Line Genealogies of Arabian Horses.
Remer V, Bozlak E, Felkel S, Radovic L, Rigler D, Grilz-Sege, G, Stefaniuk-Szmukier M, Bugno-Poniewierska M, Brooks S, Miller DC, Antczak DF, Sadeghi R, Cothran G, Juras R, Khanshour AM, Rieder S, Penedo MC, Waiditschka G, Kalinkova L, Kalashnikov VV, Zaitsev AM, Almarzook S, Reißmann M, Brockmann GA, Brem G, Wallner,B Genes 2022, 13, 229.
- Two Novel Cases of Autosomal Translocations in the Horse: Warmblood Family Segregating t(4;30) and a Cloned Arabian with a de novo t(12;25).
Ghosh S, Carden CF, Juras R, Mendoza MN, Jevit MJ, Castaneda C, Phelps O, Dube J, Kelley DE, Varner DD, Love CC, Raudsepp T. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2020 Dec 16:1-10. doi: 10.1159/000512206.
PMID: 33326979
- Major inconsistencies of inferred population genetic structure estimated in a large set of domestic horse breeds using microsatellites.
Funk SM, Guedaoura S, Juras R, Raziq A, Landolsi F, Luís C, Martínez AM, Mayaki AM, Mujica F, Oom MM, Ouragh L, Stranger YM, Vega‐Pla JL, Cothran EG. Ecology and Evolution. 2020;00:1–19
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6195
- A missense variant in the coil1A domain of the keratin 25 gene is associated with the dominant curly hair coat trait (Crd) in horse.
Morgenthaler C, Diribarne M, Capitan A, Legendre R, Saintilan R, Gilles M, Esquerré D, Juras R, Khanshour A, Schibler L, Cothran G. Genet Sel Evol. 2017 Nov 15;49(1):85.
PMID: 29141579
- Copy number variation in the horse genome.
Ghosh S, Qu Z, Das PJ, Fang E, Juras R, Cothran EG, McDonell S, Kenney DG, Lear TL, Adelson DL, Chowdhary BP, Raudsepp T. PLoS Genet. 2014 Oct 23;10(10):e1004712. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004712. eCollection 2014 Oct.
PMID: 25340504
- Worldwide frequency distribution of the ‘Gait keeper’ mutation in the DMRT3 gene.
Promerová M, Andersson LS, Juras R, Penedo MC, Reissmann M, Tozaki T, Bellone R, Dunner S, Hořín P, Imsland F, Imsland P, Mikko S, Modrý D, Roed KH, Schwochow D, Vega-Pla JL, Mehrabani-Yeganeh H, Yousefi-Mashouf N, G Cothran E, Lindgren G, Andersson L. Anim Genet. 2014 Apr;45(2):274-82. doi: 10.1111/age.12120. Epub 2014 Jan 21.
PMID: 24444049
- Mutations in DMRT3 affect locomotion in horses and spinal circuit function in mice.
Andersson LS, Larhammar M, Memic F, Wootz H, Schwochow D, Rubin CJ, Patra K, Arnason T, Wellbring L, Hjälm G, Imsland F, Petersen JL, McCue ME, Mickelson JR, Cothran G, Ahituv N, Roepstorff L, Mikko S, Vallstedt A, Lindgren G, Andersson L, Kullander K. Nature. 2012 Aug 30;488(7413):642-6. doi: 10.1038/nature11399.
PMID: 22932389
- Genetic diversity in the modern horse illustrated from genome-wide SNP data.
Petersen JL, Mickelson JR, Cothran EG, Andersson LS, Axelsson J, Bailey E, Bannasch D, Binns MM, Borges AS, Brama P, da Câmara Machado A, Distl O, Felicetti M, Fox-Clipsham L, Graves KT, Guérin G, Haase B, Hasegawa T, Hemmann K, Hill EW, Leeb T, Lindgren G, Lohi H, Lopes MS, McGivney BA, Mikko S, Orr N, Penedo MC, Piercy RJ, Raekallio M, Rieder S, Røed KH, Silvestrelli M, Swinburne J, Tozaki T, Vaudin M, M Wade C, McCue ME. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e54997. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054997. Epub 2013 Jan 30.
PMID: 23383025