Our mission is to provide high-quality veterinary educational opportunities across Texas and the nation. The VMBS hopes to provide externship opportunities that serve to reinforce, extend, and refine clinical skills.
Private practices are encouraged to post available externships via Texas A&M’s HireAggies platform. Our students are expected to secure externships individually in a professional manner. Once an externship is secured, our office will contact the practitioner directly regarding guidelines, the online evaluation/grading process, and Continuing Education (CE) credits.
- DVM Guidelines for Externships: If you have questions about the guidelines for DVM externships, contact the Professional Programs Office.
- Practitioners who need help with the online evaluation/grading process? If you need assistance with the online externship evaluation/grading process, contact the Professional Programs Office.
- CE Credit: As a participant of the VMBS externship program, you are eligible to receive CE credit. For questions regarding CE credit, please contact the Office of Continuing Education at 979.845.9102.
- Do you want to advertise your externship? Veterinarians who would like to mentor a DVM student through an externship program, please take a moment to review the Guidelines for Externships.
- To post your externship, visit VMBS Career Services.
- Please note: On Jan. 1, 2021, we transitioned from our internal job board to the Texas A&M Career Center’s HireAggies platform.
- Have general questions about the DVM externship program? Contact the Professional Programs Office.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:
DVM Professional Program Office | Office of the Dean
Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
4461 TAMU | College Station, TX 77843-4461
Tel: 979.845.6311 | Email: dcvmprgs@cvm.tamu.edu