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For Veterinarians

A human hand with a latex glove balancing a dog's paw

What can your clinic do to help students learn about anatomy and surgery?

Clinics can help with this program by offering the option for clients to consider donation to the Educational Memorial Program following the death of their pet. This program is not intended to replace other post-mortem options offered at your clinic but is, instead, intended to be an additional option.

Donation into the program does not cost the owner or the veterinary hospital any additional fees. Owners who donate may choose to keep their pet’s name confidential or to use their pet’s first name to memorialize them. Owners’ names and information will always remain confidential.

Donation requires owners to complete a consent form at the time of the pet’s passing. A witness will also be required to sign the document. We cannot accept donations with missing or incomplete consent forms. We also cannot accept animals that have died from or are suspected to have died from a zoonotic disease.

a equine veterinarian with a tech examining a spotted mare

If your hospital or clinic is located within the Bryan/College Station area, the program has designated staff to pick up donations directly at your clinic. If your hospital or clinic is located outside of the surrounding area, please contact the Educational Memorial Program for more information.

To receive a supply of consent forms and rack cards for the Educational Memorial Program,
or for any additional questions, please contact us at or 979.862.2962.

>>Download a PDF of the Educational Memorial Program rack card

“I cannot imagine learning the anatomy required for surgery without the ability to see
real structures on donated animals. Thank you!”  ~ A Texas A&M Veterinary Student