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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A brown older dog with gray hair on face

1) Will my pet be used for research purposes?

Pets donated to this program are used for educational purposes only. They will help teach students about anatomy and surgical skills needed to become competent healthcare professionals.

2) Will I find out information about the disease my pet had and the reason for death?

Although students may learn about the disease your pet had, determining an official diagnosis or cause of death involves in-depth analysis. The Educational Memorial Program is designed to teach students and does not report on the cause of death.  If you are seeking information regarding your pet’s disease or cause of death, we suggest talking with your veterinarian.

3) Will the students find out who the pet belonged to?

All personal information is confidential in the Educational Memorial Program. You may choose to memorialize your pet, in which case you can elect to use your pet’s first name only to recognize his/her contribution. All owner information is confidential.

4) How do I donate my deceased pet into the program?

After you have made the decision that the program is the right option for you, you will be asked to sign a consent form that will remain confidential. You may contact the Educational Memorial Program at 979.862.2962 or at any time if you have questions regarding donating.

5) What type of pets are accepted into the program?

Currently, we accept any legally owned animal. We cannot accept animals that were diagnosed with or are suspected to have a disease that can be transmitted to humans. Your veterinarian can answer any questions regarding which diseases are transmitted to humans. Contact the Educational Memorial Program at 979.862.2962 or if you have additional questions regarding eligibility.

an elderly cat laying on a carpeted floor staring at the camera6) Is there a cost associated with a donation?

The Educational Memorial Program is a voluntary program, and there are no financial obligations by the owner for participation in this program. The owner will only be responsible for paying any fees accrued at their veterinarian’s office or the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH).

7) What if I want my pet’s ashes? Is this possible?

If you are wanting your pet’s ashes returned, we suggest contacting your veterinarian to talk about your options. Currently, the Educational Memorial Program does not return ashes to owners; however, you will receive a clay paw print as a way to remember your pet.

8) What are our options for transporting our donated pets after they pass?

If your pet’s remains are located at a veterinary clinic in the surrounding Bryan/College Station area, the Educational Memorial Program will retrieve your donation. If a pet passes at home, the owner will be responsible for transporting their pet’s remains to us.

All donated animals must have a signed consent form to enter into the program. Owners must contact the Educational Memorial Program at 979.862.2962 or to receive a copy of the consent form and to set up a drop-off time, if necessary.

“The use of these animals after they have passed is such a treasured opportunity to learn
so that we may become competent veterinarians.”  ~ A Texas A&M Veterinary Student