Another Year for the State Employee Charitable Campaign at the CVM
This year the CVM participated in the SECC by selling donated food items every Friday. The fundraiser was sponsored by the dean’s office and all proceeds benefited the Aggieland Humane Society, Voices for Children, and Habitat for Humanity.
The State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) was created by legislation in 1993. The first campaign was run in 1994, and raised $2,027,751. Through the efforts and generosity of many state employees since then, the campaign has grown to exceed $9.041 million donated to charitable organizations in 2013. The Texas campaign, which runs from Sept. 1 through Oct. 31 annually, is one of the largest state employee campaigns in the nation. You can make a one-time gift by cash or check or choose to have your donation deducted from each paycheck beginning at the first of next year.
SECC Unit Coordinators at CVM:
- Dean’s Office (DCVM): Amanda Chattin
- Veterinary Integrative Biosciences (VIBS): Gay Perry
- Veterinary Pathobiology (VTPB): Robin Alderete
- Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology (VTPP): Cathy Green
- Large Animal Clinical Sciences (VLCS): Rachael Sears
- Small Animal Clinical Sciences (VSCS): Janice Couts
- Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH): Sandra Church and Andrea Howard
- The Texas A&M Institute for Preclinical Studies (TIPS): Megan Ayers