Endowment Honors Retired Animal Genomics Professor
Though Dr. Jim Womack, a distinguished professor emeritus in the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ (CVM) Department of Veterinary Pathobiology retired last year after 40 years of service, his legacy has continued both through his influence on his students and now through the establishment of the Jim Womack Endowed Fund in Animal Genomics.

The endowment was established following recent communications and actions by several of Womack’s students, who chose to honor Womack for the impact he made in the classroom and in his laboratory; many of his former students are now researchers and educators. Womack also received many awards and recognition during his many years as researcher and educator.
When the endowment matures, which is anticipated to occur within 18-24 months, distributions will be used to support one or more full‐time graduate students in animal genomics research within the CVM.
The fund may be used toward graduate student tuition, travel to present research at a scientific conference, and/or the purchase of supplies, special equipment, or services required for graduate research.
Those interested in contributing to the fund may do so online at https://www.txamfoundation.com/give.aspx by selecting “An unlisted account (enter manually)” and entering “04‐58396 Jim Womack Endowed Fund in Animal Genomics,” as well as the amount you wish to donate. The online donation can be completed by following the remaining instructions.
Donations also can be made by check, payable to Texas A&M Foundation and mailed to: College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Office of Development, 4461 TAMU, College Station, Texas, 77843‐4461. Please include “04‐58396 Jim Womack Endowed Fund in Animal Genomics” in the memo line.
A printable donation form can be found here.
Jim and wife Raby invite all past students, associates, and colleagues to visit them when in the Bryan‐College Station area.